Supper and an Evening Swim

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The group entered the restaurant and picked a table near the middle. Madison, Zoe and Kyle sat on one side and Delia, Misty and Queenie sat on the other.

Shortly after they sat down a cheerful looking waitress came to there table, setting down menus with one hand grabbing her note pad and pen with the other.

"Hi! I'm Carla and I'll be your waitress tonight. What can I get you to drink?"  Carla smiled at the group her pen perched on the note pad ready to scribble drink orders down.

"I don't know about these losers," Madison circled the table with her finger "but I'll have a vodka soda, thanks."

The waitress started to write but Cordelia stopped her.

"Absolutely not, Madison!"


"I said no."

"Whatever mom, You are such a buzz kill." Madison crossed her arms and sat back in her seat.

Cordelia turned back to the waitress. "We'll have 2 pitchers of water and 1 glass of wine each." She glared at Madison. "Yes, just one. Thank you."

By the time the food arrived Madison had already drank all her wine and half of Zoe's. Madison and Zoe had salads, kyle had steak and a side of fries, Queenie had pasta and Misty and Cordelia shared a plate of spaghetti. The group talked and laughed happily as they ate. Zoe was saying something to Madison when she felt something cold on her nose. She looked over to see kyle, a ketchup covered fry in his hand and a smile on his face.

"Heyyy." She whined with a smile. "No fair!" She grabbed a fry and swiped it down his nose, laughing. Madison rolled her eyes as the rest of the table laughed.

  Still chuckling Cordelia sucked up another mouthful of of noodles. She felt a slight tug, looking up she saw Misty, the other end of the noodle sticking out of her mouth. With a small smile Misty sucked in a bit more of the noodle, Delia followed suit.

"Oh God," Madison sighed. "No." She pushed her chair back and strolled to the other side of the table. Just as the two blondes were only inches apart Madison leaned down between them. "I like spaghetti too." She bit down on the noodle. Sufficiently ruining the moment.

"Mmm," she licked her lips. "Spicy, with just a dash of lesbian."


  "So," Zoe asked once they were back in the hotel room. "What now?"

"How about the pool?" Queenie suggested.

"Yasss." Madison said. " Time to find me a bae."

"Saaame." Queenie replied.

"it's settled let's got to the pool then." Cordelia smiled.


  A gentle breeze rustled their hair, but the air was warm. The overall atmosphere around the pool was cozy the only light a soft glow from the pool lights, lounge chairs lined the pool side, a small mini bar sat to one side.

"Well," Cordelia said pushing her sunglasses down onto her face. "I'm going to stay up here and lounge, but you kids have fun!"

"Whatever you say Blondie." Madison said. "So, guys, how about we all jump in at the same time."

"I'm down." Queenie said.

" yeah!" Misty agreed.

"Ok," Madison grinned mischieviously. "On 3."

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