"Drowned" Ace finished before my roommate could. I ignored them and tore off my soaked shirt, pants, and undergarments so I was completely naked, walking around to my closet and flicking the light switch on. I pulled black panties and a black Calvin Kline's sports bra from my dresser and put them on. Skye tumbled off the bed in laughter as Ace just stared at me, a distant look on his face.

"I forgot a towel" I finally, answered, shrugging and turning to grab my comforter off my bed, wrapping it around my cold body. Skye's howling echoed through the room as Ace continued to glare at me, his face expressionless. I smirked at him and he turned to Skye, picking her up off the ground as her giggles quieted.

"Danny Accola, I'm in love with you" She managed to say in between her spouts of laughter. I smiled widely and walked over to her bed, sitting in between Ace's legs. He tensed momentarily, then relaxed.

"Well, what are we waiting for, let's watch this movie," I said, taking the soda out of Ace's hands and gulped it down. If he could be an ass, then so could I.

"Love, what the hell are you doing?" He finally said.

"I've decided that if we are going to act like a couple around my parents, we might as well practice. Come on now, play the part." I encouraged wiggling around, trying to make myself comfortable. I felt his chest vibrate when he laughed, which warmed my heart. He suddenly yanked the blanket from around my body and I shivered, the cool air stealing my body heat. My wet hair stuck to my back as I spun around, glaring at him.

"I'm just playing the part, Dan. Let me give you my shirt." He said, taking off his Tee and tugging it over my head as I watched It pool at my waist, "You need to be properly clothed, I don't want people to look at my girlfriend's body." He teased, patting my head, and hugging me closer to his hard chest. I tried not to act surprised, but that was really difficult when we were cuddling against each other and his intoxicating cologne wafted into my nose. My stomach fluttered as he kissed my temple lovingly.

"Oh, get a room you two," Skye said, irritated, rolling her eyes and resuming the movie. I tried my best to pay attention, but I was so damn exhausted from today, and now that I was cuddling with Ace Mitchell's shirtless body, I couldn't think of anything more peaceful to fall asleep to. My mind soon became fuzzy, and the warm, welcoming state of unconsciousness took over.

I was shaken awake by Skye, who was grinning evilly. My whole body was sore from the day before, and I stretched, groaning softly.

"What?" I asked, concerned for her mental state. She took out her phone are started playing a video of me sleeping. I looked at her, confused then back at the screen when I heard my voice.

"Am I-"

"Shhhh" Skye quieted me and I continued watching the video. My heart dropped when I heard myself moan.


I took the phone and chucked it across the room, remembering my dream. Suddenly completely awake, I jumped up and tackled her to the ground before she could run after her phone.

"Delete that right. Fucking. Now." I warned as she giggled.

"Fine, But it doesn't matter. I already sent it to him" My eyes widened as I slapped her repeatedly. She burst into uncontrollable laughter as I got up to check her phone. I tapped on the messages icon and, sure enough, the video was sent under 'Ace M'.

"No, no, no, no, no" I whined and brought my hands to my face. "You're going to pay for that, and then, I'm going to kill you" I threatened and raced to change for class. Maybe he hasn't seen it yet.

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