She heard a sudden intake of breath and looked up only to see the stricken look on Armaan's face

Payal's words of the little girl not being close to her father came back to her mind

Was the nanny manipulating the child all along

"She has dreamed up all that.Give her to me" the nanny came forwards trying to take Ava away

"Get out" Janani whispered furiously

"She is my charge Miss..I can handle her" the nanny said

Janani turned around to look at Armaan

"Will you kick her out or do I have to do that??" She asked

The fury she saw in his eyes when he looked at the nanny was a warning for Janani

Cross him are dead!!

"Riddi Kapoor....Out" He said and walked out first

Then she glanced around the room.

"Well, there are no tigers here, but it's pretty dark, isn't it? What you need is a light" she said

"Nanny liddi says that lights are for babies" she said in a small voice and Janani smiled.

"I like a light on at night. Do I look like a baby to you?"

The little girl stared at her with wide eyes and then shook her head.

"No. You look like a princess" she said with a shy smile

"Do you like princesses" she nodded and Janani smiled.

"Alright Ava...I'm going to tell you a different sort of story. My favourite story" she said beaming at the child

"About tigers?" She asked ,looking at her doubtfully

"Definitely not" Janani pulled a face just to show what she thought of that idea

"Its about a princess "

Ava's face brightened

"Is she pretty like you??" Ava asked

"Much prettier.Like princess Ava" Janani said poking the little girl's nose with a smile

Ava looked doubtful for a moment and then nodded

She stuck her thumb in her mouth and looked up at Janani expectantly

Armaan stood in the doorway of the room after firing the nanny with a negative reference so long that she wouldn't be able to find a job in the next decade

His eyes zeroed in on the two figures lying on the bed ,both totally engrossed in the story .One telling it and one listening

"And the prince said, Save me, save me ..." Janani was saying in a soft voice "and so the princess climbed up the side of the building and handed him the key that she'd stolen from the guard."

Ava's eyes were like saucers. "Did she kill the guard?"

"Kill?" Janani put a hand to her throat, horrified at the suggestion.

"Goodness, no! The princess was very kind girl. She used far cleverer ways to get what she wanted."

Armaan gave a cynical smile.

Of course she did.

Wasn't that what women always did?

A sword was much too direct for them. They used other, more devious means of getting their own way.

Like trying to fool the prince with a show of feminine innocence.

"Aren't princes supposed to save the princesses??" Ava asked doubtfully because all the fairy tale stories she had heard has the prince saving the princess

"That's years and years ago.Nowadays princesses are the ones who saves the princes" Janani said beaming

Ava nestled closer to her,clearly enraptured by the story

"Did the princess in your story have a sword??" Ava asked

"The princess hated violence" Janani said firmly, her brown eyes twinkling with laughter. "She used a water pistol."

A water pistol? Armaan struggled not to laugh along with her, his eyes still on the little girl and the woman who was cuddling her

He had been intending to sort out the issue of Ava's nanny next day and had prepared himself mentally for a long and difficult night as he had already been informed about Ava's nightmares

Instead he found the child calm and happy and snuggled tightly in the arms of Janani Trivedi .

Surprise rippled through him

This is one development he had not expected

Blissfully unaware of his scrutiny, she was curled up on the bed, happy and relaxed, totally at ease with the child.

Against his will, Armaan's eyes raked the soft curve of her breast and her rounded hips and he felt an inexplicable surge of lust.

Her hair flowed loose over her shoulders and she was still wearing that ridiculous set of pyjamas

He saw Aadesh standing there leaning against the wall as enraptured as Ava is

Ava let out a yawn

"I like that story.The princess is very clever " she murmered, her eyes drifting shut and Janani shifted slightly so that she could pull the blanket over the child

She lay next to Ava ,stroking her hair until she was sure his daughter was asleep

Armaan frowned lightly as he observed her patience and gentleness with the child

He was surprised by how easily she has built a relationship with the little girl within a ridiculously short space of time

Something he has failed to do in three months

But then ,the nanny was to be blamed for that!!

Women are manipulative , the cynical part of his brain pointed out

The nanny had manipulated his daughter so that she would be dependent on her and that gave her access to his life for as long as she wanted

And this woman here had already cast a magic spell on his daughter

It was hard enough to separate his son from her ,and to add his daughter too into that.

How had his life come to this


Hola lovelies

Finally Ava met Jqnani...How was that meeting...

Might be wondering how a child as reclusive as Ava got attached to Janani so easily....

But then she was so vulnerable after the awful dream that the little warmth she got ,she couldn't reject.

And Armaan's brother's name is Aadesh. Initially I had named him Advay, but then it was so similar to advi so changed it. I might have missed some places while editing.. Sorry for that

Hope you guys like the shot

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Love you guys❤️

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