What he did next surprised and irritated me at the same time. He stuck his tongue out like a freaking child. I slapped his arm once again just because he deserved it. Then, I glared at him once more and walked to my water bottle to quench my thirst. Of water.

"What was the dance you just did? It looked a little like ballet, but it also didn't."

"It's called contemporary dance, you idiot. It's a mix of modern, jazz, lyrical, and classical ballet." I said tightening the bottle cap after drinking.

"So, some competition coming up or something?" He asked leaning against the wall with his hands in the front pockets of his jeans.

I shook my head. "I don't dance to compete. I dance to relieve stress. It's the most effective way for me."

"What's stressing you up? Your no chill boyfriend?" He said provoking me.

I glared at him. "It's just schoolwork piling up and me having almost no time to myself," I said honestly.

Juggling between school and work was a huge deal. It wasn't easy as I had to make sure I have time to study and do my homework as I work most of the time. I also had to catch up on my sleep because it was unhealthy not to sleep.

So, with all these jugglings, I rarely get a me-time. My own precious time. I always make sure I get a me-time at least once a week so I can keep myself sane. What's the point of working so hard if I'm not happy?

"Since I didn't have to work today, I went for a little me-time. Until you intervened." I continued giving him a pointed look.

He smiled proudly. "Guilty." He then sighed. "But I sort of get that. That is why I read. It's my way of having some time to myself. I guess you can also say that it's a way of stress relief for me."

"That makes sense," I said picking up my stuff. "Talking about reading, whatever happened to 'Hunter Knight at your service'?" I scoffed.

"What?" He asked confused.

"You said you would help me by recommending books to me. You could have just said no when I asked instead of lying to my face." I said bitterly.

"I wasn't lying."

"Yeah, right," I said sarcastically while heading out of the dance studio.

He grabbed my wrist to stop me, making me face him. "I really wasn't."

"Okay," I replied dryly still not believing him.

He stared into my eyes as if he could tell that I wasn't going to be believing his words anytime soon.

"You know what, let's go to the library right now." He said and started dragging me out and through the somewhat empty hallway.

"Wait, right now? You don't have to do this right now to prove a point."

Hunter suddenly halted in his step causing me to bump right into his back and stumble back a few steps. He turned and looked at me with a piercing gaze.

"I'm not proving a point. I'm doing what I said I do. I did say I'm at your service." He smirked a little.

I gaped at him not really knowing how to reply to that. He chuckled at my reaction and continued to drag me towards the library. This time, I didn't try to stop him.

"Hey, Emily." Hunter greeted the librarian the moment we stepped into the school library.

Emily smiled widely at the sight of Hunter. "Hello, dear. I was wondering when you were going to come." She then looked at me a little surprised. "I see you made a new friend. I must say I was a tad bit shocked when this young lady came in here searching for you. Most students are usually scared of you."

Beautiful Nightmare (The Beautiful #1) ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ