Andrew remembered only now why those prisoners were expected in this little town at all. One of them was convicted on that woman's charges. Shit! Shit! Shit! If he was not so busy with his own investigation, he would have never missed this important information! Under his very nose there was revenge performing for the years spent in jail.

Mikhalich stepped forward. Performing the part of a psychologist he tried to explain to the offender that in addition to three years for the escape he will also be sentenced for murder. Andrew came down the porch steps and cautiously moved to the back yard. If the first convict successfully diverted their attention from the house, then the second was still inside. His assumption was confirmed a few moments later. Coming through the back door, a young man ran across the yard and leaped easily over the fence.

'Don't! Stay where you are!' shouted the first one pointing his weapon at Andrew.

With his hands put out palms down Mikhalich tried to soothe the nervous convict. The woman continued to sob scanning the people in uniform with her pleading eyes.

'He'll get away, Mikhalich,' Andrew hissed at the old detective.

'Lieutenant, get the people away!' commanded Mikhalich distracting the offender. It was enough for Andrew: he darted around the house and ran to the edge of the forest, where the escaped prisoner already disappeared under their very noses. A bullet whistled close by, but the sound of shots and screams drowned in the general confusion. There were enough people for one armed guy - thought Andrew speeding up, and nearly smashed his forehead stumbling on the mound in the grass, when a snow white blur flashed between the bushes.

The chase did not last long. Crumpled grass prompted the right direction at first, but the fir-groove hid all traces and Andrew had no choice but to stop and try to listen to the sounds. But the criminal kept his head down. He couldn't be very far - thought Andrew, - most likely he is hiding somewhere under a tree. Trying to avoid open areas he moved deeper into the forest.

Everything happened too fast; he expected a blow but not from the side it was delivered. Something hit him hard in the chest, and only after that he heard the gunshot. He fell heavily on his back and instinctively held tight a limp body of a dog. Hot moisture burned his hand. It took Andrew a few moments to realize what had happened and his head started spinning. The animal jumped on his chest to shield him from the bullet. And hot blood pulsing under that snow-white fur was quickly spreading crimson over it.

'What have you done...' he whispered, looking over the wounded dog on his lap.

After two heavy rattles her body shuddered convulsively then froze for a moment and finally relaxed beneath his fingers. Still clutching the sticky hand to the wound by the ribs, Andrew tried to look into her eyes hidden now under heavy eyelids and hear the sound of a little feverish heart that in spite of all the laws of nature still wants to live, but it responded with silence.

Strange whistling sounds like Morse code filled the air around, and Andrew did not immediately realize that the sound was coming out of his own chest.

'What ... what are you ... why did you ... Olga...'

The young lieutenant found him first.

'Where is he? Where did he go?!' he inquired.

Andrew watched his mouth moving, but it did not make sense to him.

'Are you all right?' shouted Mikhalich from behind coming to the rescue. 'Wounded? Where the hell did they manage to get rifles, damn it. Can you get up?'

Andrew nodded, gently hugging his savior.

'It's a dog,' said Mikhalich stupidly, as the lieutenant ran deeper into the forest. 'Yours?'

It was hard to say whether the incoherent mumbling in reply was confirmation or denial.

'She saved my life.'

'So you aren't hurt?' sighed Mikhalich in relief, holding Andrew by the elbow.

'No, I'm not. But she needs a hospital fast.'

Mikhalich scrutinized both - a man and a dog.

'Andrew, it's dead.'

'No, it just needs a doctor.'

'Andrew,' called Mikhalich quietly but firmly, holding Andrew's shoulder like he was talking to a mentally unstable. 'There's nothing you can do, let it go.'

'What with the woman? Is she okay?' Andrew asked after a few minutes of silence, still feeling strong pressure on the shoulder.

'Yes, she got off lightly. An asshole is at the station already, I hope.'

'The second one? I let him get away.'

'Oh, don't worry, he has no place to run.' Mikhalich waved his hand. 'We'll catch him as soon as the bullets run out. Let's go, the meatballs are for lunch today.'

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