Chapter 3

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Bright's POV

it's been 1 week seen I've been in this school and it's going great. Except for the fact Billie keeps on picking on me almost every day.

She only stop when she see Ian or Vince coming. I don't why she's so scared at them but I ain't complaining.

I can't believe someone as beautiful as her, can be really cruel. I guess this is what people say Don't judge a book by it's cover.

Getting my things in my locker, when suddenly someone push me in and slam the door close.


"How you like there?"

it's was Billie, she starred at me with an mocking look.

"Do you mind letting my friends go. Or do you want me to report you to my grandfather?"

A voice spoke behind Billie making her turn around and frown. It was Ian.

"Oh don't worry, we were just playing hide and seek, and looks like you find us."

She open my locker door before leaving but without the students chuckling to themselves.

"Better be more careful B, I'm not always there to defend you."

"I know."

I'm seriously questioning how is he so kind to me. I'm just a plain old teenager, nothing more.

"Let's go, you don't want Misses Dick to be screaming at our face again right?"

I laugh at the nickname he gave to our history teacher.

Billie's POV

Picking on this new girl might be alot harder than I thought. If only she didn't made friends with those 3 rich kids, she would have been my slave by now.

Those 3 were the most richest people in the world, and what made it worst is that Ian guy his grandfather is the principal if this school. So one wrong move and he would have called my mom.

Right now, I'm beating the shit of this gay asshole. This guy wouldn't stop texting Q for what seem like forever.

"Hey!" I heard someone scream down the hall and it was that girl again.

I let him go and starts to run away, I think she didn't saw me. I wore a big black hoodie that is twice the size of me, and a mask.

it's really hard to make people follow my order, considering that girl will always tell her friends what I am doing to the students.

Heck, I'm surprised I'm not suspended yet. The principal must really love me.

"Almost got caught there bitch." Danielle said once she saw me panting.

"I know. That shit wouldn't let  me do my job."

"Wanna go to the twins house, he will be throwing a party there."


In the party

loud music immediately greeted my ears, seeing many drunk students dancing like a fucking rabbit.

Grabbing some alcohol making myself feel like I was floating, joining in the dance floor as well.

I didn't notice that Isaac was infront of me grinding his cock on my v. He look really drunk up if I'm being honest.

"Hey Bil."


I answer still dancing not knowing what the hell is going on.

"I bet, you can't date that Bright girl for 2 weeks."

"Ew! What the fuck dude, she's gonna feed me her ugly knowledge brain."

"I'll give you my bank account for a week."


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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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