You'll help me? 14.

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The tears came down like a waterfall as I had finally spoken the words I wanted to say for a long time

"I've just been so scared so afraid to get on the ice's like every time I try to anything more then just skate,I see myself falling again a-and a pull of blood coloring the ice and I-I-"

My words where quickly muted as I was pulled into a rock hard chest,that being Daichi's

"It's alright...I know what it's get hurt and be afraid to play again." He spoke,which just added more tears to my already soaked face

It seemed everyone else seemed to join our hug,turning it into one big group hug with me in the middle

"Thank you so much..all of you." I breathed out before taking a deep breath and speaking once again
"B-but the reason I'm here.Its cause I wanna try and overcome the f-fear.Ive been trying for the past couple of weeks but it seems like everything I do won't work..I think that maybe figure skating is something in the pa-"

I wasn't able to finish my sentence before being smacked upside the head
"Don't talk like that dumbass! You really think where just going to let you give up on something you've worked so hard for?" Kurro spoke harshly before bending down to my level,and looking right into my eyes

"I've seen how much hell Figure skaters go through,not to mention Oikawa over here has been bitching about your little 'blow up' at him the other day.So if your going to tell me it doesn't bother you anymore to not Skate then your obviously lying." He spat before going to his full height and crossing his arms over his chest

Ushijima modded before stepping forward
"Miss [L/N],Although i myself do not know you Personally Testurou is Correct.You cannot simply give up on something You've worked all your life for simply because 'it's in the past'."
He added alongside Kurro's reasoning

"I get that your scared [L/N],but based on how me and Akkashi have seen you skate before,and not to mention what we saw before you fell.Its obvious you love this sport a lot,almost as much as we love playing Volleyball..and man,Even if I got hurt and was scared to spike again I'd still play the shit out of it." The voice of Bokuto Spoke up

Everyone's words seemed to sink into my head
Their right

Their all right

The only reason why I don't want to is because

I've givin up

I [L/N] [F/N] have given up on the sport that brought me life.Ive givin up on the Thing that kept me happy for the longest time.The thing that brought me peace and tranquility whenever it was rough.The thing that my late father had asked me to carry his legacy on.

Since when was I so weak?

Since when was I so afraid?

So afraid to leap?

I refuse.

Sure,I'm scared shitless.

Sure I don't want to get hurt again

But I refuse to give up.

Because that would mean giving up on my dear Father

I looked up to the captains,a fire glinting in my eyes that hadn't been there in a long time,I could see all of them simultaneously smirk at the same time,before I as well smiled up at them

"So You'll help me?"

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