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"you've reached the lair of the tech goddesses, how may i assist you?" you answered the phone.
you heard a small chuckle from the other side of the phone, "hey, y/n- i've gotta get you a nickname, huh?" you immediately knew it was Derek.
"Morgan-" you could hear Hotch scold him for not staying on track.
"i know, i'm getting there, i need you to look something up for me."
"of course! whatcha got?" you said, readying your hands on the keyboard.
"i need you to look and see if there are any all girls schools in Baton Rouge-?" he began.
(for the sake of this story you grew up in Louisiana)
"yeah, St. Joseph's Academy. it has a brother school a street down, Catholic High School, it's an all boys school." you said.
"i grew up in Louisiana, moved up here for college. i actually graduated from St. Joseph's."
"well then your knowledge will be extremely helpful on this case." Hotch said, "we may be using you for your knowledge on Baton Rouge more than your tech abilities, is that ok?" he asked.
"i'm here to help, so i will do so in any way you need me to. do you want me to come down there? it would be easier than having to call me a lot, plus i haven't seen my family in a while so i'd like to visit them after the case."
"what? no! you can't leave me!" Penelope whined.
"yes, actually. that would be really helpful, thank you, l/n." Hotch said.
"any time, boss man." you replied and hung up. "looks like i need to pack!"


hotch has sent the jet back for you, but when you got on the jet, you saw Spencer sitting in one of the seats.

"Dr. Reid? did Hotch send you to babysit me?" you smirked, setting down your luggage and computer case on one of the seats and walking over to sit in front of him, leaning forward with your arms crossed on the table between you.
"what? no, i came because i didn't- i just- i wanted to make sure you- you got to Baton Rouge- uh safe." he stuttered, flushing pink.
"aww, that's so sweet of you, doctor." you leaned back into your seat.
"you don't have to call me doctor, you know?"
"what do you want me to call you?" you smirked, getting ready to make an inappropriate joke.
"wha- i don't know, just- doctor is so formal-" he stuttered, stopping when you learn across the table, your face stopping inches from his.
"hmm, what about daddy?" you smirked, wrapping your hand around his tie and pulling him closer to you.
"wh-what?! no! i- you-!" he turned bright red, and began freaking out.
you let go of his tie, falling back into your seat cackling like a maniac.
"you should've seen the look on your face, oh my god!" you barely got out between your fit of giggles.
"spencie, it was a joke!"
your giggles soon died out and you looked back up at him and he was smiling at you widely.
"what?" you ask him, suddenly self conscious about your laugh.
"your laugh is adorable." he said, and looked like he immediately regretted saying that out loud.
"really? i think it's loud and annoying."
"it's not annoying. loud? yes, but it's real."
"is that really why you were smiling? i don't have something on my face?"
"no, you don't. and you called me spencie."
"i like it, i think it's a cute nickname."
"i like it too."
you smiled at each other.
"so what exactly are you a doctor in?"

sorry this chapter is shorter, i just felt like this was a good place to end it.

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