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I went and got ready to go to the
movies but I was kinda lazy to
even go but I still decided to go

I got changed and waited
for Mar and Samy to finish
getting ready


20 minutes later I finally heard
Mar and Samy coming downstairs

We all went outside and into the car
I sat in the back by myself and then
Mar and Samy sat together in the front

The car ride was pretty silent besides
the radio that was really silent, it wasn't like
a awkward silent it was a peaceful silent car ride.

Samy and I let Mar pick whichever movie
since Mar is so picky when it comes to watching
any movie.

Mar choose Pet Sematary.

Just great. a horror movie we went inside
the movie theater and got out popcorn and
drinks and etc.

We went into the assigned room we got from
the lady in the front working.

I sat at the edge and then Mar sat next to me
and then Samy on the other side of Mar.

Authors note

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