The beginning

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"Luna! Why are you dragging me along? I thought you hated me~" "s-shut up idiot." She responded to Cross. "I-It's my j-job." He chuckled deeply. She had to grab his hand and drag him along, as the others just followed, because he had refused to go. They entered the space in the void her and Geno lived in that had the separate rooms. There were rooms for everyone, the door making it obvious who each room was for. There were two doors that were remarkably similar; hers and Lust's. Hers was a purple door with a right side up heart, and Lust's was a purple door with a upside down heart.

Inks door was rainbow with a paintbrush in the middle, and Error's door was black with a red soul covered in neon blue strings, while Dream's door was golden with an apple soul, and Nightmares door was black with a apple soul, dripping with another black substance. Horrors door was blood red with an axe dripping blood, and Dust's door was neon red and neon blue, with a cracked soul in the middle, while Blue's door was blue with little blueberries on it. Geno's door was white with blood red dripping down from the top, while Reapers door was black with a scythe in the middle. Classics door was blue with Z's on it, indicating sleep, while Fell's door was red with a gaster blaster on it.

Only Luna and Geno knew that Luna had created Cross's door. And how much effort she had put into it. She could've stopped with just the black door with a cross put on it, but for a reason unknown to her, she didn't. She put his knife and his soul on it, with every little detail that she could remember from the times she had seen them. Every mark and crevice in the knife, and the small x in the middle that was almost impossible to see. Then, around his soul, she had put the outline heart with all the colors of her soul on it. It was very faint and almost unnoticeable, but it was there.

Her soul colors were blue, purple, cyan, a little bit of green, yellow, orange, a lot of red, a little bit of pink, and an outline of black. Most humans and Neko's souls only had one color, but her soul just couldn't decide. So it had a lot. She would never admit that she herself had worked on that door and the room beyond it, just as Geno would never admit that he had worked on Reapers. They all blinked, staring around at the doors.

"so..." Ink said. "I have feeling this is an ask or dare, right?" He asked. Luna rolled her eyes and nodded. "And now none of us can leave, right?" She nodded again "not my choice, and not Geno's. The creator told us to bring you all here for an ask or dare. DAMN YOU CREATOR!!!!" She yelled at the sky. Then the creator appeared with a shit eating grin "MWAHAHAHA!!!! SUFFER!!!!" She yelled before disappearing again.

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