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Click yawned rubbing his eyes. He had been working all day trying to put together a song that he'd been working on for a while. Finally getting some of the sound clips to line up with the tempo, he shut off his computer for the first time that day.

He pushed his chair away from his desk, and spun it around to face the door. Standing up rather quickly he took a dizzy step forward. One of his legs gave out and he ended up falling flat on his face yelling, "Ah, fuck!" as he fell. Letting out a very strained "Ow..." He sat there for a bit. "Uh, are you alright?!" Topic yelled to him. "Yeah." Click groaned as he got up.

Dusting himself off, he walked over to the door and stepped out into the hall. Click took his time walking down the hall not wanting to fall again. Entering the kitchen he was met with the sight of Topic halfway inside of a cabinet trying to find something. "What are you doing?" Click asked him glancing around at the kitchen counters which Topic lined with various baking supplies. Topic pulled himself out of the cabinet and looked up at Click, "Look who decided to leave his cave today. Good, you can help me make cookies. Now, where are the baking pans?" Pointing to a cabinet completely opposite of the one that Topic was in Click chuckles, "They're over there, to the left of the salad bowls." Topic stood up and walked over to the cabinet digging out the pans he needed.

Topic stood up setting the pans on the counter next to everything else he had managed to find. "You do know you don't need more than half of these things, right?" Click asked walking up beside him. "What do mean?" Topic asked looking at him. "Well, first of all you don't need almond milk...Why do we even have that? " Click asked picking up the half empty carton and putting it back in the fridge. "I think that's what you grabbed when you were drunk, and decided it was a good idea to go shopping at 4:56 in the morning. Which if I remember correctly, is when you stood in the middle of the kitchen chugged half of it, put it in the fridge, and then passed out in the middle of the floor never touching it again." Topic said chuckling. Click glared at him putting unnecessary things back into the cabinets and the fridge. "That was one time." Click growled slightly. Topic put his hands up in defense, "I'm just stating facts."

After Click was finished putting things away, he dug out the measuring cups and spoons setting them down on the counter in front of Topic. "Okay, now we can start." Click sighed.

They measured each of the ingredients for the two different recipes that they were individually making. Everything was going smoothly till Topic got an idea. Taking a hand full of flour from the bag, Topic slapped his hand over Click's face coating him in the white powder. Click stood still for a few seconds in shock of what happened. Blowing the flour off the inside portion of his lips and whiping it from his eyes. Click set his hands on the counter and sighed looking up at Topic, his face powdered white making him look like a ghost. "Really, now? You have no idea what you've started." Click said with a Cheshire cat like smile spreading across his face.

Click quickly reached over grabbing a hand full of flour throwing it onto Topic's face and chest. Topic wiped the flour from his eyes and playfully tackled Click, wrestling him on the ground. After a small scuffle Topic got Click off him and grabbed some sugar throwing it at him. "Maybe that will sweeten your bitter attitude!" Topic yelled running away leaving foot prints of flour behind him. Click quickly got up and chased him through the house.

They chased each other for a while before getting tired and collapsing on the couch. "Truce?" Click panted sticking a hand out for Topic to shake. Topic nodded tiredly reaching his hand up to meet Click's. Resting for a bit, they stood up and went back to the kitchen finishing up the cookies.

They both sat in front of the oven watching the cookies rise just like you would do when you were a child. "How is your song coming along?" Topic asked. "Good, good, I finally got some of the audio to line up properly today." Click smiled slightly. "That's great, when do you think you'll be finished?" Topic questioned. "Um, if everything goes well and none of the files get corrupted, it should be finished in the next few days." Click said. "Oh, nice." Topic smiled at him.

The egg timer went off a few minutes later, they took the cookies out of the oven, and set them on the counter to cool. Letting the cookies cool down, both Click and Topic took showers to wash off any left over powder that was still on them.

Returning to the kitchen, they put all of the cookies in some containers leaving out a few for the two of them to eat. Click picked up the plates and carefully walked to the living room. Topic followed him and sat on the couch taking one of the plates. "What do want to watch?" Click asked glancing over at Topic holding the remote in his hand. "I don't know. You pick something." Topic said eating one of his cookies. Click shrugged and put on a comedy figuring that they both could use a laugh.

Thank you to anyone for reading this. Now, please remember that I have two one shot books going on at the same, so if updates are slow please forgive me.

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