"As I will always belong to you, mo chroi (my heart)" the little serf said to her beloved warrior, who turned away and walked towards the ship bound for duty.


"My apologies" Lisa said as she remained motionless except for her eyes, that tracked back from the faraway depths of the fireplace to Jennie's concerned face.

"You seem to have a depth of kinship to this journal."

Lisa did not reply to this statement.

"Does your collection and hobby interfere at all with your work?"

"No, not at all; though having my own business yields opportunity for me to acquire items that are secreted away."

A knock on the door, "Yes Philippe?"

"Mistress, would you dine in the formal room or in the sky room this evening?"

"Jennie will decide" Lisa motioned towards Jennie and yielded the decision to her.

"Oh, um...the sky room...is that where we ate the other night?"

"Yes" Lisa replied.

"Can we have it there again?" Jennie looked from Lisa to Philippe.

Lisa nodded once and Philippe exited the room.

"Do you travel often to find or collect artifacts or relics?" Jennie continued.

"No, it is rare now to discover or have discovered items that are of true interest."

"Yes, I can imagine a lot has been unearthed and what was not was due to destruction, not for lack of trying."


"Shame really; as it would be fascinating to discover something from Kim Jisoo Hecate's time now. Something that no one has set eyes upon or touched."

"Yes, indeed" the grandfather clock chimed seven times, "shall we?" Lisa stood and extended her hand again, which Jennie took immediately and before releasing it, gave a small squeeze which brought a tiny quirk to Lisa's lips.


Dinner was filled with discussion on artifacts and the discovery of them, some thoughts on what they meant and the reason the finders went in search of them.

"So you don't think that the person who found the journal was searching for it per say but just for a treasure of sorts."

"The journal was not of the same process, I believe most relics and artifacts were discovered by chance. Not for some altruistic regard."

"That seems a bit harsh don't you think?" Jennie stated as she sat back from the table.

"Care to indulge me once more?" Lisa asked as she stood from the table.

"Sure" Jennie said as Lisa took her hand, but this time led her out the sliding door onto the penthouse walkway that ran parallel to the edge of the roof.

Feeling a bit brazen, Jennie held Lisa's hand and didn't leg to, feeling secure and at ease with her.

Lisa, being courteous, placed Jennie's hand onto the crook of her arm and covered it with her other as she escorted her on a slow leisure walk.

"It is not harsh that I speak truth. Ninety percent of discoveries were made by treasure seekers; those seeking to have their names immortalized by their significant finds. Wadi el-Muluk, King Tut etc were discovered by archeologists seeking treasure of world renown. The dead sea scrolls were found by an unknown who just happened upon them."

"Does that make the actual find any less significant?"

"No, but it lends credibility to its contents."

"True, that it does" Jennie agreed shivering a bit at the cold night air.

"You are cold. Forgive me my inconsiderateness, as I do not feel the temperature as most" Lisa stopped, immediately taking off her jacket and placing it about Jennie's shoulders with a delicate hand.

Jennie was immediately engulfed in a cocoon of warmth and oddly, a sense of security.

"Oh your jacket is so warm" she snuggled it about her, appreciating the crisp fresh scent. A scent, she realized, that was of Lisa.

"We can return..."

"Oh no, please" Jennie cut her off and placed a hand on her arm, "I really am enjoying you...I mean this walk" Jennie blushed.

"As you wish" Lisa extended her arm again and Jennie gladly wrapped her hands around it and they continued on their walk.

"It has been many years since I've debated and discussed so freely with another Jennie, for that I thank you."

"You make is sound like its coming to an end" Jennie said jokingly.

"On the contrary, it is something I look increasingly forward to."

That earned her a huge smile from Jennie, "I do too" she agreed.

"Would you be inclined to a trip?" Lisa inquired hesitantly.


"I am scheduled for a board meeting in New York in a fortnight; it is only for two hours. If it suited you, we could see the museums there for the weekend. All expenses paid and your own private suite as I would not wish you to think ill of me."

"Lisa that is too generous of you. I can..."

Lisa held up a hand to stop Jennie, "I am flying up in my own plane; so it would not be of any inconvenience and your suite, if you desire, can be paid by yourself. I meant no offense."

Taking Lisa's hand down and turning it over in her own while looking at it, Jennie began, "No, it wasn't an offense. I just didn't want you to think I couldn't pay my own way or that you needed to" she shrugged.


A warmth surrounded Jennie's heart.

Lisa turned her hand over and using it, tucked two fingers under Jennie's chin and lifted her head up to meet her eyes, "I know you would be more than capable and I would greatly be honored if you would allow me this..." a deep sigh.

Jennie looked into her warm caramel eyes, answering "Thank you."

They looked into each other's eyes, searching their depths when a cool breeze tussled Jennie's hair about and Lisa spoke, "It is late and very cold for you, may I escort you home again?"

"Yes please" Jennie took her arm again and they turned back to the sky room.


A/N: BLACKPINK IN YOUR AREA. y'all, the revolution is coming. the queens are coming!!!

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