"Positive outlook to what could have been looked at as a major setback. That is refreshing to hear and actually see" Jennie said complimentarily.

Lisa acknowledged the compliment with a small nod of her head, "Are you interested in reading some more of the journal this evening?" she enquired.

"Actually, I was hoping you could tell me about it as we sit in your study."

Lisa tilted her head slightly with a curious expression to her face at the request.

"Being as versed in the journal's contents as you are I'm sure, will give me an insight to your knowledge on not only the journal but other ancient subjects as well."

"Very well, shall we?" Lisa stood and extended her hand to assist Jennie in standing.

Jennie took the proffered hand, feeling its cool smoothness yet subtle strength.

They sat in the study in front of the now blazing fireplace.

"So when did you begin collecting artifacts" Jennie asked as she settled into the wingback and crossed a leg over the other casually.

"Ever since I can remember" Lisa stated.

"It is a very impressive collection from my glimpse of it when I was last here."

"There are several pieces stored in museums because they have proper facilities to care for their delicate nature."

"Why the special attention to the journal, if I may ask?"

"It is beyond measurable value. The journal proves beyond doubt that at least one of the known mythological Gods existed."

"That is true, that alone would make its worth inconceivable."

"There are those factions that would be extremely displeased if that knowledge became public, to the extent of destroying it."

This made Jennie's eyes widen in alarm, "What do you mean?"

"Consider, if you may, the Christian World's viewpoint. It would cause chaos and uncertainty in their belief"

"Are you saying the Vatican would go to the extreme of eradicating history to maintain their view of religious superiority?"

"It is a possibility that I am not willing to gamble on."

"Wow," Jennie shook her head, "That concept is so unbelievable but to a certain degree understandable."

"Have you studied other subjects besides the Goddess?"

"Yes, some on the rituals, pharaohs and geography of different classes."

"Quite extensive variety."

"Yes, I believe that to understand the particular God or Goddess, one has to be learned in all facets of the people in that time and their beliefs and lifestyle."

"True, to gain a full appreciation of the time, all of the aspects of all of the people have to be learned as they were correlated."

"Is that how you learned?"

"I appreciated everything."

"I shall miss you my Kurios" the little serf said with her head bowed, her forehead resting on her master's chest.

"And I you Rosé, but when I look upon you again, it will be on a special moment in our lives. I cherish you and appreciate who you are in my life little one."

"Please, take care my Sartorian (warrior)."

"I will always be yours Roseanne..." the warrior leaned down and placed a gentle loving but chaste kiss on her lips.

Warrior Mine (jenlisa)Where stories live. Discover now