Ch.3 Performance Time

Start from the beginning

With the amount of supplies they had in this room in the plane, I could basically care for myself. But Paul told me that my bodyguard would be in here with me to keep me some company. I was cool with that. My bodyguard was kinda like my friend. I could talk to him when I wanted to. He even watched a movie with me and the lads sometimes.

And just when I thought I was starting to get truly better, I was starting to feel slight discomfort again about 50 minutes into the plane ride. I quickly got up from my bed that I was in and ran into the washroom slamming the door behind me getting sick all into the toilet. I was obviously pretty loud because within seconds I heard my bodyguard calling for Paul telling him I got sick.

"Hey Zayn you alright?" I heard Paul ask opening the door a bit.

"Hey Carol can you get a towel and some medicine?" Paul asked rubbing my back.

"Don't worry. Just let it all out." Paul said getting our a thermometer and putting it to my head once I basically collapsed on the floor of the bathroom.

"Do you feel dizzy?" he asked me.

"Kinda." I said putting my head in my hands.

"Don't worry it's the effects of the plane working on you because of your fever." he said taking the thermometer out of my ear.

"Can I lie down?" I asked getting some bad cramps again.

"Yeah of course. Cramps again?" Paul asked noticing me holding my stomach in pain.

"Yeah." I said getting up and walking to my bedroom.

After I reached my bedroom I saw my bodyguard waiting there for me with some medicine and a hot water bag for my stomach.

"Gotta give you your medicine." he said giving me the cup of liquid to drink and some water.

"I'm not sure I can keep it down." I said attempting to drink the water.

"Are you positive you can't keep it down?" Paul asked walking in to check on us.

"Well I can try." I said beginning to sip the water.

"Feel anything?" my bodyguard asked.

"Not really. But i'm kinda cold." I said shivering.

"Here's a blanket. Get some sleep. We'll be in Orlando sooner than you think." Paul said.

"Ok." I said digging into the blankets on my bed.

"Hey Zayn, did you hear about Matt Lauer?" my bodyguard asked.

"Yeah. Lou texted me about it a while ago while the lads wished me well."

Yesterday, Matt Lauer was asking why I wasn't there. Liam responded saying I had a simple tummy bug which was indeed the truth. But Matt Lauer then decided to dig his ass deeper and asked me if I had substance abuse problems. I was pretty pissed about it.

Here I was throwing up almost every hour now from what Liam said was a tummy bug and diarrhea which was true. But it looks like I couldn't take a sick day for one day without people adding rumours to my story. I was thankful though because my saviour Liam stepped in and politely told Matt Lauer everything was fine.

Meanwhile looking at Louis and Niall in the video they looked pissed as fuck. I bet they wanted to slap the shit out of him. I didn't see Harry, but I knew he would probably be mad too. I was also pretty glad about how they had reacted. Professionalism is everything at this point and even though the questions were quite rude, we all had to deal with them in a professional way.

"That man doesn't know shit. Who the fuck is he to talk about someone like that? That bitch needs to be put in check." my bodyguard said looking pissed off.

Zayn Stomach Bug at OrlandoWhere stories live. Discover now