The Truth Comes Out

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The Truth Comes Out

"Well? Is someone going to tell me how Khloris is supposed to save the world?" Zephyrus demanded.

There was silence as the others remained silent, no one seemed willing to answer his question. Anteros and Antipaxos were glaring at Eros. He could only guess at the silent argument taking place among them. That they were excluding him sent his temper ablaze. How dare they keep him out of something so important, especially in regards to Khloris. Had he not shown his trustworthiness, or earned their trust after all this time? Moving to stand, he was stopped by Khloris putting pressure on his shoulder, he could have easily shrugged off her hand, but he stilled. For her.

"You might as well tell him Eros," she said.

Eros sighed, looking back at Anteros and Antipaxos, he nodded to them. From one second to the next, the five of them went from being on the beach, to being in the center of a sea cavern deep within the island itself. He felt the sonic blast of power that the three sent out, creating an impenetrable shield around them. The fact that they felt the need to create such a shield – not to mention hide from Helios' watchful eye – meant that whatever they were going to reveal was so dangerous that they could not allow the Pantheon to know. It set his teeth on edge that Khloris was involved in anything so perilous that he was going to beat the twins for this.

"What we reveal here can never be spoken of to anyone. There are only a handful who know of this outside this group, and they are sworn to silence," warned Eros.

"Seriously?" Zephyrus sneered, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "because my reputation as a social butterfly who loves to gossip is so well known among the immortals, how will I ever be able to keep my lips sealed when there is a juicy story to spread?"

He felt Khloris tremble, he turned around to look at her as she pulled away from him. He immediately missed her touch. She had her arms wrapped around her middle, her head down, a curtain of hair that had escaped her knot shielded her face from him. His heart turned over at the sight. He stood and gathered her into his arms.

"Shh, it will be alright," he murmured into her hair, running his hands up and down her back, hating that she was afraid. "I promise nothing will harm you, I swear on my life."

A muffled sound escaped from her as her trembling increased, tightening his hold, he gently rocked her, hoping to sooth her fears. More sounds escaped, he frowned. The sounds coming from her did not resemble the ones made by someone who was afraid. A sneaking suspicion gripped him.

A snort escaped her lips seconds before Khloris threw back her head in uncontrollable laughter, filling the cavern with the musical sounds of her merriment. He was forced to hold her tightly to keep her from sliding to the floor, she was laughing so hard. He glared down at her tear stained face. "What in Tartarus is so damn funny woman?" he demanded; his voice heavy with concern that the stress had finally robbed her of her senses.

It took her several seconds before she could muster the breath to answer him. "You...a social" she sputtered, "butterfly?"

Zephyrus stiffened when he heard laughter behind him. He had forgotten about the others for a moment. He turned and glared at the trio, a promise of retribution in his eyes. Instead of quelling their laughter, it had the opposite effect on the idiots, laughter erupted from them, creating a chorus. The cavern amplifying the sound. They sounded like a pack of hyenas.

Shaking his head in disgust, he turned his attention back to Khloris when she wrapped her arms around his neck, using him to prop herself up. Laughter still shaking her curvaceous frame.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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