Chapter Three

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Dom's POV
The next day, I couldn't help but stare at the boy I'd seen the day before.
I needed to know him. I needed to at least know his name. I'd find his locker, and write him a note.
I'll be his secret admirer! He wouldn't have a clue.. but then again, I don't know if he's gay or not. I should ask him.

I sat in first period, staring at the boy again. He was wearing a red raincoat, black pants, and his same pair of pink shoes.
He always looked quite tacky in a way, but it fit him.
I wrote the note, and instead of slipping it in his locker, I slipped it into his bag.
Hopefully he'd see it.

Matt's POV

I turned around to get my bag, I had to grab a book.
I saw a little folded up piece of paper. I grabbed it, opening it up.
Hi! You don't know me, and I don't really know you either, but you seem sweet.
My friends are going to be at The Den, Friday afternoon at 5 P.M. You could bring your friends and we could talk.

I looked around, wondering who could've written this. I thought about the blonde, but he was up, sharpening his pencil.
I looked around, trying to find someone who could've written this.
The bell rung for break, and I walked out to Tom and Chris, showing them the note.

"Well, it's Thursday. Tomorrow is Friday. Let's go see them!" Chris said. "You don't know if it's actually that blonde boy, or someone trying to.. do bad things." Tom said.
"Well, let's take the chance! We can have new friends." Chris said. I just shrugged as they both looked at me for an answer.
"Sure." I said. Chris smiled at Tom. Tom chuckled. "Let's hope we dont die."

It's now Friday, and me, Tom, and Chris are talking about the situation during our break.
"Let's go!" Chris said, excitedly. Tom seemed kind of nervous, and I was just wondering if the other person would show up or not.
"Matt?" Chris asked. I blinked. "Sorry. I zoned off."
"It's okay. Have you taken your meds?" Chris asked Matt. I nodded, feeling bad for lying to Chris.

                        We got to the den, and waited for anyone to appear. I saw the blonde boy and his friends, but he didn't seem to be looking for anyone. I sighed. "They're not going to show." I said to Chris, him, laughing. "Don't speak so soon."
                        He pointed behind me, and I whipped my head around to see the blonde boy, walking towards me. I stood up, quickly and nervously. He smiled at me.
                         "Hi. I'm Dominic Howard." He said. I nodded, looking down shyly. Chris stood up, patting my back. "This is Matthew, he has a bit of anxiety."
                         Dominic looked at little sad at that. I worked up the courage to say something, although I was studdering horribly. "I g-go by M-Matt, actu-.. actually."
                           Dominic smiled at me, and I realized something. His teeth were perfect. Perfectly white and straight, unlike mine.
                            "I go by Dom."  He smiled again and held out his hand for me to shake. I shook his hand, and it just felt so weirdly right. Like his hand was made to be in mine.
                             It seems he felt that way, too, because once we locked eyes, we couldn't look away. We were stuck, and I was drowning in the blue-green that was Dominic's eyes.
                              Chris tapped my shoulder and I broke out of the trance. "N-Nice to meet you, Dom."
                               "You too, Matt." He kept smiling. "So, I hear from my friends that you're a great pianist."
                                 Chris smiled. "It's insane, Dom! He's so good. You should really see him pl-"
                                 "No! I'm not good. I'm- I'm horrible." I argued. Chris chuckled. "Sure." He said, sarcastically.
                        Dom laughed. "Well, do you want to get to know me better, or anything? We could go on a walk."
                                 "Yes! Oh, I-I mean, sure." I stumbled over my words, walking to Dom.
                       "So, what kind of music are you into?" He asked me. "Oh, I don't know. I don't really listen to music."
                         "You don't?" Dom looked surprised. "No, I don't have the money to buy CD's, or anything of the sort. I have a piano."
                           "Well, I think you should find some way to listen to it. I could always lend you some of mine? Unless you're some kind of kleptomaniac." Dom said, and I chuckled.
"I have no reason to steal your belongings, Dominic. I have enough of my own." I laughed, and he looked a bit confused.
      "You just said you don't have money." Dom said.
"Yes, but I have enough." I said again.
Dom nodded, and we continued to walk around the greenery of the seaside.
He kept glancing at me, and I could swear that he was blushing. I chuckled, and he looked a bit confused. I smiled. "You're blushing."
Dom rolled his eyes. "Whatever."
I laughed, looking at him. God, isn't he just eye candy. I thought to myself. He was beautiful, I had to admit. Tan skin with his bleached blonde hair. His hair was long, and wavy. It went all the way down to his shoulders.
"So, you know I play the piano. What do you play, Dominic?" I asked him.
"I play guitar and bass.. but I've been really into drums." He said, his face lighting up at the mention of the drums. I smiled, I could understand how passionate he was.
At this point, the sun had started to go down. "Yeah, that's awesome."
Dom smiled, we seemed to get along very well.
I stared at the sky, it was sunset. I sighed. "Well, I better be off. Goodbye, Dom!" I said, turning around. Dom stopped me. "Wait! Real quick, what's your full name?" He asked me.
"Matthew Bellamy." I smiled, walking away.
I could get used to being around Dominic Howard.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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