Von walked in to the room looking at me with a weird expression "I mean if she would've be real with me and told me as soon as I brought him up I wouldn't have been mad...well at her at least but now she just as worse as he is"I said rolling my eyes.

"Yo who you talking to and what you talm about"von said "it's a long story I will tell you later"I said and he just stared at me "but I understand why you feel that way Liyah I would've felt the same way maybe even worse"trez said and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm not even about to stress about that I'm just ready to have my baby"I said and they laughed "yes I can't wait for my son son to come out"ski said making von mug the phone "ski stop playing with me".

"I'm just fuckin with you but aye I'm gone hit y'all up later I got somebody sliding thru in a minute"ski said and I mug the phone "so you cheating on me now"I asked her and she chuckled.

"You got a whole baby on the way"she said and trez just laughed "bitch bye"I hung up on them and started putting my clothes on "vonnnnnnnnn"I dragged his name knowing it's gone get on his Nerves.

"WHAT"he yelled at me making me jump "can I get a kiss"I asked him standing in between his legs "nope"he turned his head and I smacked my lips "why not"I asked him with a pout.

"Cause you ain't tell me what y'all was talking about"I huffed and went to the post and showed him "oh"he said getting up and going to he side of the bed and grabbed his keys and wallet.

"That's it 'oh'" I said with a frown on my face.

Well what did you expect him to say Liyah.

"Exactly"he said agreeing with my thought "I don't know I just thought you would said something else"I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Well honestly I don't want to talk about yo ex so yea"he said walking off leaving me in the room looking dumb "uh-eh-I well okay"I said letting it go seeing that he has a attitude.

I grabbed my purse and walked to the livingroom seeing von and the kitchen I walked over to the window and to a picture of my bump real quick.

"You ready" Von asked me and I nodded my head "Yea"I mumbled walking out the door with him following me "who car we driving"I asked him and he just walked to his

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"You ready" Von asked me and I nodded my head "Yea"I mumbled walking out the door with him following me "who car we driving"I asked him and he just walked to his.

Your being a asshole right now.

He ignored me once again and got into his car I just got in and didn't say anything, the ride to my mamas house was quite and awkward you could feel the tension that was in the car.

Once we got there I got out the car and walked to the front door leaving von ass behind, he can keep that funky ass attitude I don't care no more.

I walked in the house and everybody was in the living room "hey y'all"I said walking pass them and going to the kitchen where my mama was at "hey mama, hey tt" I said getting there attention.

My mom turned around and smile "hey baby where my son at"she asked me and I rolled my eyes and turned around and saw one of my cousins in his face.

"In the livingroom with dasia in his face"I said walking to the back where the kids was playing "Lee Lee"my little sister and brother ran up to me followed by the other kids "hey baby's"I hugged them all.

"When yushon coming"jojo said and I laughed "he should be here anytime now" I said and he nodded "I'm still the baby"he said and I shook my head "nawl bro my baby gone be the baby now"I said and he mugged me and walked away.

I died laughing "wasuh mya you okay"I asked my little sister and she smiled and nodded her head.

(I really just gave them some names cause I forgot the other ones)

"Can I come stay the night with you"she asked me and I nodded my head "Yea as soon as I get my guest room set up you can come over"I said and she smiled and ran in the house.

"Ma Liyah said I can stay the night with her"she yelled and I made a straight face.

She think she slick I said when I get my guest room straight but I guess she can sleep on the couch or with me since von got a attitude.

"What about jojo"my mama said and I chuckled "he mad at me right now but he can come if he want"I said "well y'all gotta ask von first"mama said and I scrunched my face up "how come" "cause I said so"I rolled my eyes and walked with the mya to von.

"Von can I stay the night tonight"she asked him and he nodded his head "Yea I don't care" he said and she squealed jumping on him and giving him a hug "tank youuuuu"she said and he smiled
"You welcome lil mama".

She smiled and ran back outside, I sat next to him and rubbed my belly "so Liyah hows the baby"my granny said sitting in the chair next to von "he's good we're just waiting for him to come on out"I said and she giggled.

"Did you find out who the daddy is yet"my petty fat ass aunt said trying to get under my skin, I looked over at von to see him just looking at his phone.

That's what we on today bet.

"Umm I mean you see who im here with" I rolled my eyes not even paying attention to them "you was acting out at your baby shower I should've took my gift back"she said and I shrugged my shoulders.

Don't even know why this bitch was invited.

I sighed and scrolling down my timeline seeing people tagging me in Jordan post, at this point I was just fed up with everything and I was ready to go home and get in my bed.

"Can we go"I whispered to von and he nodded his head standing up, we walked to the kitchen where my mama was at "ma we finna head out"I said and she pouted "but the food ain't even ready" "I know ma but I'm just ready to go home"I said rubbing my belly.

This shit feel so tight rii now.

"Hey son you couldn't come talk to me"she said to von and he chuckled and gave her hug "my bad mama v"I scoffed and went to get the kids "come on y'all we finna go"I said and they came running to me.

"My bag already packed Liyah"Mya said and jojo just stand there looking at me "I'm guessing I have to pack yours"I asked him and he grinned nodding his head.

I walked in the house and saw my mama and von talking,I walked passed them and went up stairs to jojo room "this don't make no sense"I said looking through all of his clothes I found him a simple outfit and some night clothes "this all his lil ass need"I said while grabbing his tablet.

"Liyah von asked if you was ready"mya said coming up the stairs and I nodded my head walking out of jojo room.

"What's wrong Lee Lee"I felt my stomach get tight again "nothing come on"we walked down stairs and said our goodbyes then left.

It's not that simple Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora