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The sound of the movie is filling the living room. Hanse is looking at the movie but he doesn't seem to know what the movie is about. Seungwoo and Haneul are sharing a blanket and Seungsik is on his phone. Byungchan isn't home and Chan is also somewhere else. The front door opens and everyone turns their head. A tall girl with long dark hair is standing next to Byungchan "Hey sorry we are late" he smiles "Myeong hey!" Haneul stands up and walks towards the girl, she wraps her arms around her waist and Myeong smiles "Hi Haneul."
The couple sits down on the couch "It's been such a long time, how have you been Myeong?" Hanse looks at her with a small smile, Myeong has been away for a very long time. She smiles "I've been okay, just glad Byungchan was there for me" she has a tired look on her face.

A yawn leaves Hanse his lips, they are still watching the movie but he can't seem to get his thoughts to focus on the movie. He can't believe that he actually saw her yesterday, her hair was hanging loose on her shoulders. Her hair was a lot longer than three years ago but that was the only thing that changed about her. She still had the bright smile on her face and the sparkles in her eyes were still there. She looked at him, he saw it, but he did change a lot so she couldn't have recognized him. She looked at him a little longer, the smile she gave him was the smile she always used to give him, it was filled with love.
"Hey Hanse, are you okay?" Byungchan puts his hand on the shoulder of older boy. Hanse looks up and he nods "Yes" he shoots them a smile and Byungchan looks at him "No you are not paying attention to the movie, tell us, what's up" he smiles, Myeong looks at Hanse and she shoots him a soft smile. Hanse takes his lip in between his lips and he sighs "I saw Yoonsun yesterday" he sighs and looks at his hands "I couldn't bring myself to talk to her" he feels tears coming up and Byungchan smiles "She is back? That is great right?" Hanse nods and he smiles "It is great but I can't bring myself to go up to her and hug her like I have never lost her in the first place."

Haneul puts her hand under her chin as she listens to the stories Hanse is telling about Yoonsun and the books she has written. "That is so sweet Hanse, you should go to her, she didn't write those books for nothing" Seungwoo nods in agreement as he wraps his arms around Haneul "Yes she definitely still feels the same about you." Hanse nods softly "I just don't know how I feel about it."
Seungsik wraps his arms around Hanse and he smiles "Just go up to her or call her!" he smiles, Hanse grabs his phone "I'm not sure if she still uses her old number."

The boy is staring at his phone, he looks at the number, he can't risk calling it and then someone else answers. A sigh leaves his lips, he shakes his head and he sighs again. He shakes his head and he puts his phone away, "Guys I can't do it" he looks at his friends that are sitting right around him, Seungwoo laughs and he grabs Hanse his phone "The only thing that could go wrong is that the number is out of order" he looks at the number and Hanse takes his own phone out of his hands "I will call her, but not right now" he sighs and stands up. He walks towards the kitchen and sits down on one of the chairs.
"I don't understand, he can just call her right?" Seungwoo looks at the friends "Just because it was that easy with us doesn't mean it is easy for him" Haneul smiles softly, "He hasn't seen her in three years Seungwoo, it is weird to just call her up like nothing happened" she grabs her own phone and tries to google if there is any number she can call to come in contact with Yoonsun. "Are you stalking her?" Seungwoo reads with Haneul and she shakes her head "I'm trying to find back up so he can actually come in contact if that old number is out of order, Myeong do you want to help?" she turns around to the girl on the couch, Myeong nods and she grabs her own phone.

"I have a number!" Myeong shows her phone to Haneul and the girl reads it "Oh yes, I'll write it down" Haneul grabs a paper and a pen and she writes it down for Hanse.

Hanse looks at his drink "Hey Hanse" Haneul walks into the kitchen, "Have you called yet?" she smiles as she grabs a few glasses and fills them with water and soda's. He shakes his head "No I haven't called yet" he grabs his glass and takes a sip. "If you decide to call and the number is out of order than we have a back up number for you" Haneul puts down the paper for Hanse and she smiles "Don't rush yourself, you have plenty of time" she smiles and grabs the glasses.

His eyes scan the paper, he sighs and grabs his phone "I should just call, right?" he asks himself, he goes to Yoonsun her contact and he bites his lip "What if she doesn't want to talk?" he knows that is ridiculous but it is still possible. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, a bit nervous he opens his eyes and he looks at his phone. "I have to do it" he presses the green call button and brings his phone to his ear.
It's still going and Hanse is holding his breath, it didn't say that the number is out of order yet. "Hi, this is Yoonsun?" her soft voice fills Hanse his ear and all the nerves drop, a smile appears on his face. "Hi Yoonsun, this is Hanse."

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