Chapter One: Attacked in the Night.

Start from the beginning

"W-Wait, you said you caught my scent." I clarified, afraid to meet his eyes. "Does that mean you're a werewolf or something?"

"No Y/N, I'm much worse than that." He said spinning me around so I could look at him. "I'm a vampire. And your scent makes me thirsty, so I'm going to drain you."

I, honestly, despite my fear, was tempted to laugh and tell him that vampires weren't real, but then I noticed his eyes. They weren't a normal color, like blue or brown. They were crimson. I screamed as loud as I could.

The vampire wrapped a hand around my throat, and my scream was cut short as he slammed me against the wall of a building

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The vampire wrapped a hand around my throat, and my scream was cut short as he slammed me against the wall of a building.

Edward's POV

A scream sounded a few streets away from the one I was on. I thought about ignoring it, but I knew that if I didn't do anything, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

I ran as fast as I could towards the source of the scream. I made it to the alleyway that it came from to find another vampire pinning a young woman to a wall. The girl was trying to struggle, but he was too strong. I could hear her heart pounding in her chest, her breathing ragged.

I hid around the corner, watching them and waiting for the right moment. As I waited, I tried listening to her thoughts, but I heard nothing, which was strange. Normally I could hear anyone's thoughts. What made her so different?

I shook my head, and listened to what her attacker was thinking, but grimaced. His thoughts were vulgar. It was at times like this that I wished I could turn my gift off.

The vampire leaned in close to her and inhaled deeply through his nose. As he exhaled, a few tears slipped down the girl's cheeks. He was taunting her.

"P-Please, don't do this." She whispered. "J-Just let me go."

"Shh, it'll be alright." He said softly with an almost sympathetic smile. "It will only hurt for a few minutes, then all your problems will be solved."

She started sobbing as he opened his mouth and leaned in again, this time to bite and drain her.

I decided that now was the time to attack.

His teeth were just grazing her neck, when I pulled him off of her and slammed him into the ground. I held him down as I glanced over my shoulder at her. She had collapsed.

I suddenly found myself on my back, the enemy standing over me.

"Find your own victim to drink!" He snarled. "She's mine!"

He started making his way over to her, stepping over me. She started crawling backwards, trying to get away. He made it to her, and stomped on her left leg, breaking it. I heard the crack as she screamed again.

He got down on top of her, putting pressure on her leg. She kept screaming. I got up at last and pulled him off once again, this time throwing him. I ran to him when he landed, quickly overpowering him. It took a couple minutes, since he was trying to fight me off, but I was able to tear his head off.


The stranger tore the vampire's head off, as if he were tearing a piece of paper in half. I assumed that, with his strength, he must be another vampire. But there was something different about him.

My leg was killing me now. I felt like I was going to pass out.

The vampire who saved me got up, took a couple steps away from the dead one, pulled out a lighter, opened it so the small flame showed, and tossed it onto the body, immediately engulfing it in flames.

He turned around and made his way over to me. He crouched down beside me.

"Are you alright?" He asked me softly. "Did he bite you?"

I shook my head, in too much pain to speak. He seemed to understand though, because he nodded and gently picked me up, bridal style. He muttered something about taking me to see someone named Carlisle.

The last thing I remembered seeing, though, were those eyes. Those golden eyes.

Then, everything went black.

Those Golden Eyes. (An Edward Cullen x Reader Fic)Where stories live. Discover now