The Start of an Adventure

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After stepping into the box, Sherlock gasped audibly.  "Doctor, what is this place?"

The Doctor chuckled.  "You can say it; everyone always says it."

"It's bigger on the inside!  How is that possible?  This must be a dream or something, because that can't actually happen."

The Doctor smiled, finding the whole thing amusing, and explained the concept.  "You see, the inside exists in a slightly different dimension than the outside, which allows it to be bigger on the inside.  Technically, the inside goes on forever, so don't wander off without me; you might get lost."

Sherlock nodded, unable to speak.  He was still staring around, trying to take in all that he was seeing, but it was a lot.  He stumbled over to the side and sat down, attempting to process all that had happened in such a short amount of time.

The Doctor came over and pat him on the shoulder.  "I know it's a lot, but you're a smart little boy.  And you need to process, because that's not even the most astounding part," his grin spread, practically assuming his entire face, "Are you ready?"

Sherlock was not even close to ready, but there was no getting any more prepared from here.  "Okay, I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

The Doctor laughed.  "Now that's the spirit!  Hold on!"

Sherlock grabbed hold of the railing next to him and was immediately glad that he did.  The Doctor pressed a few buttons, pulled a few levers, and Sherlock was thrown against the wall, practically holding onto the wall.  A strange wheezing noise was coming from all sides, and Sherlock wanted to cover his ears, but he was gripping the railing too tightly.  What's happening? he wondered, a feeling of panic filling his chest.

The Doctor, of course, was calm and collected, even laughing as the police box was thrown from side to side, until finally it landed with a slight bump.  "Wasn't that fun?"

"What was that?" Sherlock asked, still holding the railing in fear the box would do the same thing once again.

"Oh, that was just the TARDIS flying, don't worry about it, you get used to it eventually," he answered and walked to the doors.

"I'm sorry, flying?" Sherlock felt faint.

"Oh, yes, flying.  Through time, space, anything like that."

"Through time and space....Sorry, what?"

"Look through these doors if you don't believe me," The Doctor smiled and gestured towards the now open doors of the TARDIS.

Sherlock slowly made his way from this secure spot next to the railing towards the doors and nearly fainted at the sight in front of him.  "Where are we?"

"Welcome to outer space, Sherlock."

Outside the doors was nothing.  But at the same time, everything was there.  He couldn't see any planets, but he caught sight of twinkling stars, and asteroids, and everything.  It was completely dark, but at the same time, it was full of light.  It was empty, but it was so full.  "How...What..."

"I know you have a lot of questions, but you should start with the most important one.  How are we breathing?  I mean, no one would want to poke their heads out of this old box and die immediately, since there's no atmosphere, would they?" The Doctor winked at Sherlock, "The TARDIS gives us a sort of big bubble of oxygen around itself, so even if you accidentally fell out of here, you would survive, unless of course you fell through the bubble.  Huh, I'd never thought of that before, I'll have to give that some thought sometime soon."

"How is it even possible that we're here?  I don't understand.  Where are we?  When are we?"

The Doctor's smile spread throughout even more of his face, if that was even possible.  "There we are!  You're asking exactly the right questions!  We are slightly outside our own galaxy, about thirty thousand years in the future."

Sherlock felt faint.  "How?"

The Doctor stood in silence for a few seconds, contemplating the best way to explain what was going on.  "Wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff," he finally said without furthur explanation.


The Doctor looked at Sherlock, suddenly with more interest.  "That's a new question.  What do you mean?"

"Why would you want to travel to space, thirty thousand years in the future?"

"I haven't heard that question before.  You really are a very bright little boy, aren't you?"

Sherlock shrugged.  That was what everyone kept telling him, but his brother was always smarter than him.

"Why?  I think a more appropriate question would be, why not?"

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