The odds stacked

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Johnny was a rather bigger guy. Weighing around 275 pounds at 5ft11. He was told he needed to lose weight by his doctor but figured it was more work than he wanted to do. He just went through life pretending to be happy with how he was. But little did he realize he was his own worst enemy. Diabetes ran in his family heavily, with his brother taking insulin, as well as his father, grandmother having diabetes as well. He knew he had risks and he knew there was always the chance he could get it. To him at the time he just figured whatever happens happens . Johnny wasn't happy with himself, he would put on a smile and act like life was ok, but deep down he knew he was missing something. He would pray and pray hoping for a miracle. What he didn't know is god doesn't just wave a wand and make it happen over night. It takes losing yourself to find where you belong. Johnny was previously engaged which he thought was a true love situation. One day browsing Instagram he saw something that made him question all he knew. His fiancée had a picture where another guy persistently would post things suggesting a closer than friendship bond. After calling him out he soon found out she had another person calling her baby as well. Johnny was heart broken, and after seeing things about how he was viewed as just a joke and other hurtful things that were said. Johnny went into a sad slump for a bit. But determined to not be beaten Johnny continued to pray. Every night he would ask dear lord please just please show me the way. I'm miserable and I have no idea where I belong. What am I supposed to do? It was a mystery for Johnny until around two years later. And as always god didn't disappoint.

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