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A few weeks had passed and I wasn't feeling good. Every day when I woke up a wave of nausea washed over me. Eventually, with my medical experience, I realized what was going on. I took a pregnancy test and when it came back positive, I went to my boss and told her that I needed to move back to Chicago. She looked really confused but allowed me to go anyway. I wasn't sure how Matt would react to the news, would he think it wasn't his, would he be excited, would he be upset about how I left him? All these what if's flooded my mind and it was getting hard to breathe. I finally slowed my breathing, grabbed my luggage, and got in a cab. I went to a hotel and tried to figure out when I was going to tell Matt I was pregnant. I decided I didn't want to wait and got a cab to the firehouse. I didn't even know if he was on shift but I thought it was worth a try. I went to the common room and saw Matt reading the paper.

"Matt?" I was almost in tears"Gabby?" He looked up and smiled. Everyone else went into a different room so that Matt and I could talk. I think they could see on my face that it was important we talk. "Matt I have something to tell you." I was so close to crying and I knew eventually I would be. "What is it Gabby, what's going on?" He seemed genuinely concerned."Matt, I'm pregnant." I just let it out, and now I really was crying. "What?" He was shocked I could tell."I found out a few days ago, and the first place I came was here." "Is it mine?" He seemed a little angry now."What?""I said, is it mine?" he was definitely angry now."Of course it's yours.""You mean to tell me you haven't slept with anyone in Puerto Rico?""Of course not. I am and always was in love with you. There was no one who could have filled the void that was in my life when i left you behind, and I was not going to let anyone try." I was caught by surprise when Matt picked me up and spun me around. When he placed me back on the floor he kissed me soft and slow. I felt safe and home again. "I love you, Gabby Dawson.""I love You too Matt Casey" Everyone came out once we were done and welcomed me back with open arms. "I have to go talk to Boden for a minute," I said looking up at Casey who gave me a smile and a nod.

I walked through the firehouse to Boden's office and saw what I assumed was my replacement sitting there, so I waited. When she walked out she smiled at me and walked away. I knocked on the threshold.

"Enter" chief said not really looking up from his paperwork."Hey, chief." I smiled as he looked up at the familiarity of my voice."Gabby" he seemed so happy to see me, "What brings you into town this time?""I'm actually here to move back, I found out a couple of days ago I was pregnant." "That's amazing Gabby I am so happy for you." He gave me a hug."I was actually wondering if I could get back on ambo if you have space." I was a little sheepish"Actually you came at a perfect time, Foster just informed me that she is going back to med school so there is an opening on ambo.""That's amazing.""Fill out this paperwork and you can start next month.""Thanks, chief"

I went and told Matt the good news. He congratulated me and asked me where I was staying. I told him that I was at the hotel for now, but I was going to find and apartment. He handed me the keys to Severide's place and told me we would find an apartment together, but for now we were going to stay there. I gave him a quick kiss before getting a cab and heading back to the hotel to gather my things.

When I got to Severide and Matt's place, I opened my computer and started shopping for a car. I found a nice SUV that wasn't too expensive and went to the dealership to purchase it. I was at the dealership for at least 2 hours before I was able to go back to the apartment. It was getting late and I knew no one else would be home tonight so I ordered some food and called it a night. I woke up to a kiss on my head. Matt had finally gotten home and I pulled him into bed with me. I snuggled up to his chest and let the gentle thump of his heartbeat lull me back to sleep.

All it took was One NightWhere stories live. Discover now