" Don't act like you don't know. You almost kissed me." She said diverting her eyes and lowering them.

I squinted my eyes a little and said " You almost kissed me back too."

She looked at the floor walking back to the other side of the kitchen not looking me in the eyes until she stammered " Yeah and that was a mistake."

The brown eyes I loved so much were slowly filling with tears, and as Niall entered the room she smiled a fake somber smile. Drew fixed some drinks and we walked back into the living room. We sat talking and laughing and having a good time with each other I felt like we could all be friends if she didn't want to be anything else. Niall and I sat talking almost forgetting Drew was there and when Niall looked over in her direction she had fallen asleep in the chair.

She looked so peaceful and funny. I loved the way she wasn't a perfect sleeper. The way her lips pouted out and with every breath she took she let out tiny uneven shaky snores.

"What do we do we can't leave her?" Niall whispered to me as we starred.

" Here I'll carry her to her bed." I sighed as I stood.

My arms wrapped around her small balled up body and carried her bridal style to the darkened hall. With every step she snuggled closer to my chest seeming to want warmth. Her arms were folded together in a softened manner and her short uncovered legs dangled off. I carried her all the way to the end of the hall and turned into her barely lit room. The moonlight cascaded through the open window onto her made up bed. When I made it over to her bed I lied her over the comforter and slowly pulled the blankets over her limp tired body giving a silent laugh when I saw the pink band aids on her knees. When she was tucked into bed I slowly bent down touching my lips to her forehead and walked towards the door. I turned around to face her and saw how the moon shined off her skin making her look like a glowing angel and with that I whispered " Goodnight Drew." And walked out meeting Niall before walking back home.


I woke up with the feeling of regret and disappointment. How could I have let Harry almost kiss me? How could have things gone so far through the night I felt the urge to even kiss him.

I looked up at my reflection in the mirror above my bed. I was thinking how did I get in my bed? Did Harry carry me in here I thought as I tried to piece my night together. I remember feeling his warmth around my body and hearing the soft beat of his heart, and I found myself smiling as the memory came back to me. I shook my thoughts away and attempted to sit up but the hangover took over. I had the biggest headache I had in a while, and I didn't feel like doing anything all day. I wondered how Harley felt...... I'm guessing like shit.

Taking a shower was like finally washing away the night, well it helped. I stepped out of the shower and taped to the mirror was a note.

" Good morning beautiful. Sorry about last night, maybe we can start again. Hopefully you won't fall on top of me this time." -H

As I read the note I could smell the bullshit. I could tell he wasn't going to leave me alone anytime soon but the best thing for me and him was just to stay away from each other. Someone like Harry didn't want someone like me even if he thought he did. I was a small town country girl from Indiana and he was a smart intellectual boy from a big city. Why would he want me?

I walked in the kitchen only to see Harley sitting at our kitchen table with her head laying on the surface.

"Aww. Poor Harley, too much to drink?" I said rubbing her back and combing through her auburn hair.

She looked up at me with blood shot eyes and gave me the finger. I laughed and walked over to make a pot of coffee only to see another note from Harry. Awesome..... Not.

"Let Me Kiss You" (A Harry Styles FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now