Info + 🍫Chocolate kisses -Joxter X Reader-🍫

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|Sorry but I couldn't find the original artist of this picture, but if someone knows the artist then please tell me and I will add it straight away. This picture you can find on zerochan, just put in moomins and then just start scrolling down and after a while, you will find it.|

So you can requests here, just so I can keep a track of thing, please and thank you!
Edit~ I couldn't find any better title name, so here is the best one I could come up with.|
^Let us begin, shall we?^

It was another wonderful spring day in moominvalley, and you decided that it would be a perfect time to have a picnic.
You went quickly to grab a light green basket and walked towards the kitchen.
You had made some wonderful pastries, some cookies, cupcakes, cheesecake, and even some homemade chocolate.
After packing the pastries, you decided to grab a thermos that you filled with some {fav drink}, you placed the thermos in the basket and grabbed two small cups.
After filling the basket with some goodies, you grabbed the handle of the basket and walked towards your front door.
You placed the basket down and quickly went to the living room, grabbing a white and green checker blanket, and walked back towards the door.
You placed the blanket on top of the basket and grabbed the handle once again.
After opening the front door, you quickly walked outside while closing the door behind you.
You started to walk while checking if there were any clouds in the sky.
And to your luck, there weren't any.

After walking for a while you found the perfect place to lay your blanket down.
You grabbed the blanket and placed it under the oak tree, you didn't even notice that a certain mumrik was sleeping atop of the tree.

After placing the blanket down you then placed the basket down on top of the blanket.
You sat down and started to unpack the food from the basket.
Grabbing the thermos and a cup, you started to unscrew the cap from the thermos, you poured some {fav drink} into the cup.
You placed the thermos down and started to sip on some {fav drink}.
You then grabbed some chocolate that you made the other day and started to eat some.
Your small peaceful moment was cut short as you started to hear some shuffling noises.
You looked around but didn't see anything until another shuffling noise came from on top of the tree.
You placed the cup down and stood up, you glanced upwards and to your surprise, you saw no other than your favorite mumrik himself.
You gently smiled at him and said a small hello.
He just smiled back and waved lazily towards you.
You sat down once again and patted the spot beside you.
"You know you don't need to sit there, right?" You said while smiling at him once again.
"I know. But I like it here" He said while laying back down on the branch.
You giggle a little before picking the other cup and pouring some {fav drink} into it.
You stood once again and offered the cup to the mumrik.
He hesitated at first but then grabbed the cup gently from you and started to drink the {fav drink}.
"Would you like some sweets as well?" You offered.
At first, he wanted to say a simple no, but then gently nodded while mumbling a small yes.
You grabbed a plate that you placed beforehand from the basket and placed some sweets on top of it.
You gently reached the plate full of sweets towards him.
He gently took it from you and said a small thank you.
You sat back down and started to eat your own sweets.
"How have you been, Joxter?" You asked while unwrapping one of the cupcakes.
"Well, mostly I've been doing good, but I had some problems with the park keeper lately" He said while eating some apple pie.
"Oh really?" You managed to say.
You knew that Joxter liked to steal the signs from the park once in a while, but you didn't know that he had some problems with the park keeper because of it.
"Yep, he said if I ever come back again to his park, he will call the inspector and they both will put me in jail" He said unamused.
"Well, what will you do then?" You asked while placing your plate down.
"Do with what?" He asked while raising one of his brows.
"If they put you in jail" You said while grabbing the empty plate from his hands.
"Probably try to get out. But you know me, I won't let them catch me" He said with a small smirk.
You knew the man for a very long time now, probably since you two were young kids, and trust me when I say this, he is a trouble maker.
"Well, you still should be careful. imagine if they do manage to catch you. then what?" You said while placing the plates back into the basket.
"They won't. Trust me for once, while ya?" He said while jumping down front the branch.
He gave you back the cup and sat down on the blanket.
"Still, it would be a shame to probably never see you again" You said with a small sad smile.
"Awww, are you worried about me?" He said with a small smirk.
You blushed a little while backing away from him.
He snickered while laying down and placing his head in your lap.
You grabbed his hat and placed it down next to your leg.
"Well, aren't you a lazy cat" you joked.
"Haha, very funny" He said while pouting a little.
"Oh, come on, I can see a lot of resemblance between you and a cat, you know" You said while petting his head.
"Oh really? How so?" He said while trying not to purr.
"Well, for one, you and a cat love to sleep all day and do literally nothing, two, you like to go and catch fish, three, you both love to be petted, four, you and a cat love to make a lot of mischiefs and get in trouble. now you see?" You said while poking his nose a little.
"Sort of" He said while trying to swat at your hand.
You picked some flowers before you even found the oak tree, and you decided to place some of the flowers into the now sleeping mumrik's hair.
You grabbed the basket and placed it a little near you, you picked the flowers from the basket and placed them near your leg.
You started to put some daisies into his hair, then some Aubrietas, then some buttercups, you even put some Carnations, you finished it off with some Daffodils.
You placed the last Daffodil into his hair and started to stroke it once again.
You could hear some faint purrs coming from him, you smiled and placed a gentle kiss onto his forehead.
You grabbed the rest of the flowers that were left and placed them back into the basket.
Some minutes had passed and he started to wake up, you placed your hand on top of his head and gently stroke his hair.
He gently opened his eyes and immediately started to stare into your {e/c} ones.
"Morning sleepy head!" You chirped happily.
"Did I sleep long?" He asked while sitting up.
"Not really! Probably 15 minutes or so" you said while grabbing his hat.
"Is that so? What were you doing all this time I was asleep?" He asked while tilting his head a little to the side.
"Oh, nothing really!" You said with a small smile.
He looked at you for a few seconds and then notice some flowers sticking out of the basket.
"When did you pick those?" He asked while pointing to the flowers.
"Oh, these? I picked them up before I even got here" You said while picking the flowers up.
"Why are you asking?" You said while turning your full attention to the mumrik.
"Oh, nothing really" He said while looking away.
"Well, if you really wanna know what I was doing while you were asleep, just go toward that small lake and see for yourself" you said with a small smile.
"Wha?" He said quite confused.
He stood up and started to walk towards the small lake.
You followed behind him with a small smirk.
You knew he hated it whenever you put flowers into his hair, so he would probably be a little mad at you.
After sitting near the lake, he looked at his reflection and stared at it for a while.
You walked towards him and sat down on the soft grass next to him.
"Well, I was bored so I decided that I will put some flowers in your hair! Do you like it?" You said with a small smile, hoping that he won't be as mad as the last time.
"You know I don't like it when you put flowers in my hair, right?" He asked and you just nodded.
"But yet you do it either ways?" Once again you just nodded and smiled while giving him your best puppy eyes.
He sighed and stood up while grabbing your hand and pulling you with him.
"I like it" he simply said while walking with you toward the basket.
"Really!?" You asked uncertainly if he was being truthful with you.
"Yep, I actually like it, I like the types of flowers that you picked" he said while giving you a small smile.
You both once again sat down on the blanket and grabbed some more sweets.
You grabbed the chocolates and gave it to Joxter.
He gently took it from you and started to eat it.
"Where did you buy these?! They're so good!" He asked while eating some more.
"Oh, I didn't buy them, I made them!" You said with a small grin.
"Really?" He said while still stuffing his face with the chocolates.
"Slow down a little, we don't want you to choke now do we?" You said while giggling a little.
He paused for a little while then started to stuff his face with more chocolate.
You giggle some more and started to eat your own chocolate.
After a while of chatting and eating some chocolate, you two decided to call it a day and head back home.
As it was late now, you both decided to head back to your place and have a small sleepover.
You placed both cups and plates into the basket and then the blanket as well.
You wanted to grab the basket handle but he beat you to it.
You pouted a little but smiled afterward.
You two started to walk away from the tree when you felt someone grab your hand.
You looked towards Joxter, to see him having a small grin on his face with a huge blush covering his cheeks.
"You know, we should do this more often" he said while looking towards you.
"We should!" You said while giving him a small smile.
<Small time skip>
After a small walk home, you two walked up to the front porch and you gently opened the door for both of you.
You walked inside and Joxter followed behind you.
He placed the basket near the front door and walked towards your living room.
You both sat down and started to chat a little before you got up and walked to the kitchen.
You grabbed two cups and boiled some water for some tea.
You grabbed the green tea and some more chocolate from the fridge.
You placed the chocolate and some cookies on the plate and then poured the water into the cups.
You placed the plate and the cups on a small tray and started to walk back to the living room.
After placing the tray down you noticed that you forgot the sugar, you wanted to go back and bring it but the mumrik beat you to it.
You sat down and waited for him to come back, after a small while he came back with the sugar and two spoons.
You grabbed your cup and put some sugar in it, after mixing it a little you placed the spoon down and started to sip your tea.
You two chatted for a while before you two decided to call it a night.
You grabbed everything and placed it back on the tray.
After placing the tray down in the kitchen you told the mumrik to follow you upstairs, as you have an extra room that he can sleep in.
He wanted to decline but he knew that you would probably be worried sick for him, so he decided to accept the offer.
After you gave him a fluffy dirty green blanket and some fluffy pillows, you said a small goodnight and parted ways.
You opened the door to your room and gently closed it behind you, after washing and changing your clothes, you grabbed the blanket and laid down while covering yourself with the blanket.
<Small time skip>
You woke up to a knock on your bedroom door.
You got up and walked gently and slowly towards the door.
You opened it and rubbed your eyes to see a little better, and there you saw the still tired yet happy Joxter.
You said a small good morning but then you noticed that it was still a little too dark for a that to be morning.
You were about to say why he was up, but once again he beat you to it.
"Sorry for waking you up, but I kinda had a nightmare" he said with a small blush.
You blinked a few times but then smiled a little while opening your door a little more.
"Would you like to sleep with me then?" You asked with a small smile.
He blushed more but nodded anyway.
"Great! How about we have some tea before bed, I can even bring some more chocolate if you would like" you said while picking your sweater up as it was a little cold.
"That would be nice" he said while grabbing your hand.
You started to walk to the kitchen when you notice how shaky the mumrik was.
"Is something the matter?" You asked him as you were a little concerned for the mumrik.
"Wha? No, it's nothing" he said while trying to give you a small smile.
You didn't want to push him, so you just nodded your head and smiled back.
After making some tea and placing some chocolates and some more sweets on a small plate, you placed everything on a small silver tray and started to walk back towards your bedroom.
"You coming?" You asked as you notice that the mumrik wasn't following you.
"Oh, sorry" he said while walking toward you.
After placing everything on your bedside table you sat down on your bed and patted a spot near you.
He climbed into the bed with you and sat next to you.
You grabbed his cup and gave it to him.
He said a small thank you and started to sip his tea.
You placed the plate down in front of you two and then grabbed your own cup.
"Do you wanna talk about your nightmare?" You asked while placing your cup back down on the bedside table.
"I... I kinda want to" he said while looking at his lap.
"It is ok if you don't want to. If it troubles you so much, you don't need to tell me then" you said while grabbing his free hand and giving his hand a gentle squeeze.
He smiled and hold your hand a little tighter.
"Well, it was about... You" he said while looking you straight in the eyes
"M-me?" You said a little shocked.
"Mhm. I don't know why but someone took you away. And I didn't see you again." He said while looking towards his lap again.
"Who did?" You asked a little curious yet concern for the mumrik.
"I can't fully tell, but the person looks a little like Mymble for some odd reason" he said with both anger and sadness in his voice. {Not the daughter but the mother}
He placed his cup back on your bedside table and grabbed one of the chocolate bits.
You looked at him concerned, you squeeze his hand one more time before grabbing the plate and placing it down on the bedside table.
You laid down and motioned for him to laid down as well.
He obligated and laid down while literally nuzzling into the pillow.
You placed another blanket on top of him and started to pet his hair to try and calm him down.
To your surprise it did work, he nuzzled his head more into your hand and started to doze off back to sleep.
You placed your hand back down and nuzzled into your own pillow.
After a while, you felt someone nuzzled into your side.
You opened your eyes and look down to see Joxter nuzzle himself into your side.
He had a small grin on his lips and a cherry red blush covering his cheeks.
You nuzzled your nose into his hair while giving him a small goodnight kiss onto his forehead.
His blush darkened and he started to open his eyes.
"I think you missed" he said with a small smirk.
"Huh?" You said with a confused expression.
"I said, you missed" he said once again.
"Oh really" you said while grinning a little.
"Yep, here" he said while leaning a little towards you.
After you two were just centimeters away from each other, he placed a small kiss on your lips.
You kiss back while blushing, you probably looked just like a tomato.
To your surprise, he kinda tasted like smoke, chocolate, and green tea.
After parting away, you two just stared into each other eyes while smiling like someone just gave you a lottery ticket.
"Well that was unexpected" you said after a while of silence.
"It kinda was" he said back.
You two look at each other for a short time and then laid back down and nuzzled into each other.
"I kinda wanna tell you something" he said once again after a short moment of silence.
"What is it?" You asked while giving him a small smile.
"Well, I wanted to say that I really lik- no love you, and I wanted to ask if you wanted to be my... Girlfriend?" He said while looking back at you with hopeful eyes.
You probably were redder than a tomato by now.
"Well, I... I... I would love too" you said with a smile.
"And I love you too" you said while kissing his nose.
He let out a small purr when you placed the kiss onto his nose.
You smiled and started once again to pet his head.
"Just like a cat" you said under your nose.
"Wha?" He said while looking up at you.
"You are just like a cat. Your cute, your troublesome, and you're just so fluffy" you said while still petting his head.
"I don't mind, if it means you will pet me, then I don't mind being called a cat" he said while nuzzling more into your hand.
You smiled gently and placed a kiss to his forehead.
"Night, cat-boy" you said while nuzzling your nose into his head.
"Night, love" he said while nuzzling more into your side.

For the rest of the night, you two were sleeping peacefully and without any nightmares.
The next day you two kinds told your friends that you two were a thing.
And to your surprise, no one was surprised that you two started to be a couple.
Because they already saw and knew that you two were perfect for one another.

|Words counted~ 3372|

🌻Hiya, I hope you all enjoyed it.
I kinda don't know how Joxter acts or talk so please don't comment something mean.
Hope you all are staying safe and have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening ~ Strawberry_Traveller🌻

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