Divorces, bloody knees and tickle fights

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Jeongin is awoken by someone shaking him.

The first thing he registers: it's still dark out.

The second thing: the person shaking him is Chan.

His campers, luckily, are not awake, so Jeongin pulls Chan out of the cabin and onto the porch, closing the door with a soft click.

"This had better be good."

He doesn't take kindly to being woken up at 1 am.

"Kai is crying in the bathroom."

Jeongin tries to see Chan's face in the darkness, to see if he's lying.

"If this is a prank-"

"It's not"

He seems sincere.

"I will dump your body in the lake"

After murdering you brutally, he adds silently.

"Ok, fine. But come on"

They walk together across the green, the darkness giving the entire camp a spooky and haunted look.

Chan turns out to be telling the truth. Sniffling noises can be heard from the bathroom stall in the back corner. Jeongin's chest fills with a sense of dread.

"Kai, honey?", Jeongin calls out.

A timid voice rings out, quiet and shaking.

"Who is it?"

"It's Chan again, along with Jeongin", Chan calls.

"What's wrong bud?"

Jeongin reaches the stall and tries to open the door. It's locked, so Jeongin leans against the cold plastic, splaying his fingertips against it.


"Kid, if nothing were wrong, you wouldn't be crying in a bathroom at 1 am", Chan states matter-of-factly. Jeongin glares at him, putting his finger to his lips.

"It's fine, you should go to get some sleep"

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong. Or at the very least, come out of the bathroom stall and go to bed."

Jeongin means it too. He will camp out here if he has to.

There is a long silence. The only sounds are Kai's continuous whimpers. Then, a whisper.

"My parents... They are divorcing this summer, while I'm at camp."

"Oh, Bud", Chan starts, but Jeongin slams his elbow into his side, and shushes him. Kai hasn't finished talking.

"My parents are getting divorced, and I'm scared that... I'm scared that they'll fight over me. Or that one of them will get a new family."

Jeongin looks to the ground. He knows exactly how Kai feels right now.

"I've been there. Do you want to open the door and we can talk about it?"

Kai sniffles.

"Can you come in?"

"Not re-"

"Of course we can", Jeongin answers, and walks into the next stall one over. He climbs onto the toilet and hops over the wall, climbing back down on the other side.

Chan, even though he obviously doesn't possess a clue about how Kai feels, follows suit. It's a tight fit, squeezing three people into one little bathroom, but it sort of works.

Summer lovin'; JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now