Chapter 4: Second "Hello"

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Grace's POV

Im shaking as the phone rings. My throat goes dry. "This is the O'Neil residence. George speaking." My heart starts pounding in my chest. "Hi," i say. "This is Grace. I wanted to speak to Conner? Is he busy?" The other end falls silent. "Hold on. Let me check," says George. I hear him yell Conner's name. 'This is crazy,' i tell myself. 'What am i thinking?!' I hear a different voice come on the other line. Its the voice that i love so much, but barely know.
"Hello," says Conner. I cant speak. My lips move but nothin comes out. "Hello?" "Um.... Hi... Its Grace.." I say. 'Shit. No turning back now' i think.


Conners POV

A smile forms across my face. Shes nervous. I can hear it in her voice. Its so cute.

"Hey Grace." I say. "Glad you called." She doesn't say anything. "Grace?" I ask, making sure shes still there. "Yeah, sorry. Um.. I have a question," she says. I smile. "Yea whats up?" "Um. Well.... Wh- why did you leave me your number?" I kinda chuckle in the phone. "Well... I was kinda hoping you would call so i could ask you out on a coffee date," i tell her. She falls silent again.

Graces POV

'A coffee date?!? What?!?!?' I yell at my self. "Grace....?" I hear Conner starting to get worried. "Oh. Yea. Sorry." I say, still nervous. "So," he continues, trying to break the awkwardness. "That coffee date?" I smile. "Um yea sure. How does tomorrow at noon sound?" I ask him, hoping he will approve. "Sounds perfect," he says. He's happy now i can tell. "I'll meet you there." I says. "Okay. I have to go. I'll meet you there. Goodbye Grace. Until tomorrow." "Okay," i say with a smile. "Night Conner." Click.

The next morning i wake up around 9:00 am. I walk out of my room and check my moms. "She's not home. Shocker," i say aloud, with an eye roll. I check Linda and Charlie's room. They must have stayed the night at their friends house. I walk into the bathroom look in the mirror and smile really big. 'I get to see him today. Im so excited.' I think to my self as i turn on the water and let it heat up. I walk back into my room and get my clothes. I go back into the bathroom to find my mother sitting by the toilet, puking. 'Shit.' I throw my clothes on the bathroom counter and help my mom by holding her hair.
After she gets done throwing up i put her to bed. I take a shower and finish getting ready for my date with Conner. I put on my favorite teal shirt with sparkles along the neck line with skinny blue jeans. I throw on my beige sandals. I blow dry my hair and put it in a side french fish tale braid. I dont wear much makeup but i put song lipgloss on and some mascara. Before i leave, i leave a note in Linda's and Charlie's room:

Linda and Charlie,
I know its my day off, but im out meeting an old friend. I'll be home soon. When i left mom was in bed, so i dont know if she is still home. If you want, you can go back to your friends houses. I'll call later. Behave. Love you both.

Im out the door in no time. 'Gingers coffee shop, here i come.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!
This chapter was kinda crappy but itll be better next time! Update coming soon! :)

Forever Yours.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora