Looking for the green dragon

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Once everyone wakes up we all head into the town. We all split to go and look for the green dragon. I go with Hak and Lilly. Princess Yona goes with Yun,and the blue dragon. Kija goes by himself to look for him. Me and Hak go to the center of town to see wanted posters of us and then I see the green guy. He says, "That's looks nothing like me!" "How annoying." I say. He looks over and says, "It's you two again. Wait there's another one." He looks at Lilly. I get one of my throwing knifes out and say, "Don't you dare touch her or I will cut your hands off and then watch you bleed to death." I had a very scary look on my face. The silence between all of us broke when soldiers start to chase after us. "God damnit! Run!" I yelled. We all start to run. Jae-Ha runs away from us and me, Hak and Lilly get into a cramped alley way. (Author-Chan: Ok. Ok. I know that this seen is close to the beginning but I forgot to add it in the beginning so I'm adding it. Sorry if you don't like it but I thought it would be a good idea.) Hak was infront of me and it was really cramped. I was about to say something but Hak put his hand over my mouth and said, "Be quiet." I started to turn more and more red. God Damnit why do I have to be like this. Lilly then said, "Oooooh!" Damn you Lilly! I was thinking in my mind. After they all ran past we got out I said, "Fuck you Lilly! Every god damn time!" Hak looked at me as if he was confused. I told him just don't worry about it. We finally found Princess Yona with the others and Jae-Ha. Come to find out Jae-Ha is the green dragon. "Fucking great! This is fucking bullshit! Why does a fucking pervert have to be one of the dragons!" He says, "It's you again!" I say, "Yeah it me again! Got a fucking problem with that green perv!" I get my throwing knife out and get ready to cut him with it but Hak grabs my hand and says, "Calm down Sonya! I know your still mad but just calm down!" I look at him and I shake my head. I tell Hak, "Let go of my hand. I'm going to go somewhere in the woods up the hill to train." I walk off with my spear in my hand and go to the woods to train.
Did I mess up saying that to her. I look down a little sad. That I made her angry at me. Princess Yona looks at me and says, Hak, it's okay. She just stressed and irritated. I think you should go up there where she went and talk to her." I look up at her and say, "Ok. I will. I'll be back in awhile." I go to where Sonya went and looked for her. I found her setting next to a tree. I walked up and saw her sobbing. I hugged her, wanting to help her calm down. She looked up and said, "I'm sorry. I walked off on you when you told me to calm down. I shouldn't have down that. Im really sorry. I'm just so tired of everything that's been happening through the time I got here. Yet I don't want to leave." I told her, "It's okay. I know it's been stressful for you. I know that it's hard for you to have to handle all of this. It's okay I promise." She hugged me back and looked up. When she did that I kissed her. I broke the kiss and kisses her again and again. I then said, "Let's get back to the others. They are probably worried." She said yeah. We held hands on the way back. After we got there princess Yona said that we were going to go to Jae-Ha's ship where his crew and his captain are. We followed him there and got on the ship. And old lady walked up and said, "You two must be the ones that Jae-Ha has been talking about. How about this, you two and the two guys over there go against my whole crew except Jae-Ha. And if you win you get to join my crew. I said ok and me and Sonya put all of our weapon on the floor next to the princess and got ready. One of the men said, "Should we go easy on the girl."
"No! I fought more men then you!" I yelled. This will be fun. I got ready and they all ran towards us. Atleast I get to blow off some steam. One ran towards me from the front and I grabbed his arm quicky and threw him over my shoulder another one came from the side and I kicked him in the stomach along with punching one in the face. After alittle more we beat all of them. I didn't even break a sweat. "Wow! Sonya you were amazing!" Princess Yona and Yun said! Thanks. I said. I then felt someone wrap there arms around my waist I look up to see Hak. He unwraps his arms and we walk back over to the princess. I look at her and she says, "So what can you do talking to Yun and princess Yona. Yun says, "I can cook, treat wounds and injury's. I also have medicines." Yona says, "I can't really do anything." The captain says, "Why don't you go and get me a special flower from the cliff side." Yona says, "I'll do it." I talk to her about it and she said that she will do it in order for her to show that she is worthy to join the crew. I believe in her. I let her go but I convinced the captain to let Jae-Ha go with her.
Time skip
She comes back and I see that she is wet. I ask, "Are you ok?" She says, "Yeah. But I had Jae-Ha's help. I still got the flower but-" The captain cut her off and said, "If he would have not saved you I would have thrown him in myself." I laugh a little and see where she went. It was really steep. Hak grabbed my hand and interwined his fingers with mine. We all go back to the ship. Once we got there. We were told the plan for how we were going to destroy him, the one who is in charge of the soldiers that attacked us. " We are going to need some girls to go to one of those places pretending they need work. How about Yona, Sonya and Yun and Lilly." Hak said, "Why them!?" "We are the only girls remember except for Yun." I say. "But I don't want his filthy hands touching you Sonya." Hak says. Then Kija says, "Yeah, I don't want anyone to touch Lilly." I look over and say, "You have a thing for Lilly." Then Lilly turns red. "You like him don't you Lilly!" I wiggle my eye brows like she usually does. "Haha!" I laughed. "Well let's just do this shit and get it done with I'm going to have a strap on my thigh so I can have my throwing knifes." "Sonya before you go, I have something for you." Hak says. "What is it?" He handed me a knife. (This is the knife in the picture below.)

I say, "Thankyou Hak! I love it!" I kiss him on the cheek

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I say, "Thankyou Hak! I love it!" I kiss him on the cheek. We go and get the clothes on. Uh I hate dresses.

I put the strap around my thigh and put my weapons there

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I put the strap around my thigh and put my weapons there. I walk out and Hak looks at me and blushes. "I hate dresses, why do I have to where this." I say walking up to the captain. She says, "If you don't do that it won't be convincing." Fine I say.

Cliffhanger! I hope you all enjoyed this part of the story! I put you in the story more Lilly! I hope you enjoyed it. And thankyou so much for reading my story. The next part will be updated soon. See you next time! Author-Chan Out!

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