Chapter 3- The kiss

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I sat in the tour bus, listening to music with my earbuds. 10 hours. I had been touring with them for so long but I was still not used to the long drives. Atleast I had my music. I glanced over to Awsten who was playing video games with Geoff. He seemed fine now. But was he really? I wished he would talk to me. Just so I could set my mind at ease. But he seemed to be trying to distance himself from me. He wasn't as open to talking to me as Otto and Geoff were.
"Hey, anyone know what's for dinner?" Geof asked. "I don't care," Otto said. "Don't we have like those little mac and cheese cups that go in the microwave?" Awsten asked. "Maybe, go look," Geoff said. "No you look," Awsten said. "Ugh fine," Geoff said. Geoff got up and looked in a little cabnit they had in the bus. He got out four of the mac and cheese cups. "Want one Alex?" He asked. "Sure," I said.
When the mac and cheese was ready, Awsten came and sat next to me...which was odd because he could have sat anywhere. "Sorry if I was being rude at all earlier," he said. "'re fine. I was just kinda concerned, you know?" I said. For some reason I felt nervous in his presence, and I did everything I could to try to avoid eye contanct. "I'll be was nothing to be concerned about I guess," Awsten said sadly. "Well...I heard talking helps. Maybe talking to someone about it could make you feel better," I said. I didn't want to tell him to talk to me about it. He barely knew me. But I just felt like some kind of connection between us. Like he was special. Like I just wanted to hug him and tell him everything would be okay. Awsten nodded. "Yeah. Maybe," he said.
"So uh...where is Alex supposed to sleep?"asked Geoff. "The couch," Otto replied. "Then where am I supposed to sleep?" Geoff chuckled. "I dunno, the floor?" Otto asked. "Ughhh," Geoff grumbled. "'s fine, I can sleep on the floor if you want," I said. "No, it's okay," Geoff said.
Since we were all bored and there was nothing much to do on the bus, Otto suggested we play truth or dare. Awsten didn't really want to but Otto convinced him to and we all sat in a square or the floor and begun playing. "So who's going first?" I asked. "Awsten," Geof said. Awsten sighed. "Okay," he said. "Truth or dare?" Otto asked. "Truth," Awsten said. "You're boring," Geoff said. "What was wrong with you earlier?" Otto asked. Awsten put his head down into his hands. "You're really doing this to me man?" He asked. "Well everyone's wondering," Otto said. I kept quiet. I knew Awsten didn't want to talk about this and I didn't want to make him more upset. "Did Ciara break up with you or something?" Geoff asked. Awsten stared out into space for a moment. "Yeah. Okay?" He said agravated. "See, that wasn't so hard was it?" Otto said. Awsten glared at him. "Okay now Awsten, you truth or dare someone else," Geoff said. Awsten looked around. "Alex," he said. Woah...he picked me. That was unexpected. I thought. "Yeah?" I asked. I didn't know what else to say. "Truth or dare?" Awsten asked. Oh god. What should I pick?! And why was I making such a big deal about it? "I- um..uh...truth," I stuttered out. "Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked, as if he was already planning the question. "No..." I said. Why did he want to know that? Awsten nodded, not really seeming to care about my answer. "Why did you wanna know?" Geoff asked. "I don't know...It was the only question I could think of," Awsten said. "Suuuuure," Otto laughed. Awsten rolled his eyes. "Truth or dare, Otto," I asked. "Dare," Otto said without hesitation. "Umm...hmmm...I dare you on the internet that Awsten kicked you out of the band for some dumb reason," I said. Otto laughed. "He does that all the time," he said, grabbing him phone. "Sorry everyone, but Awsten kicked me out of the band for twerking onstage," Otto read out loud as he typed. Everyone laughed, even Awsten. It made me happy to see Awsten finally smiling. "Okay Awsten, truth or dare," Otto asked. "Hey, no one has dared me yet," Geoff said. "Trust me...I have a good one," Otto said. "Truth," Awsten said. "Can't pick truth twice in a row," Otto said, shaking his head. "Since when?" Awsten asked. "Since now," Otto said. "Okay fine, dare," Awsten gave in. "I dare you to kiss Alex," Otto said. "What?! No," Awsten exclaimed. "It's a dare. You gotta do it," Otto said. "Don't be a wuss," Geoff added. "She never even consented to that," Awsten said laughing. "Okay..." Otto said, looking over at me. "Well Alex, do you consent?" Otto asked. Once again, I didn't know what to say. "I mean...I guess. I don't really mind. It's just a kiss," I said. "Yeah Awsten, it's just a kiss,"said Geoff. Awsten sighed. "Whatever," Awsten said. Hearing that made me even more nervous...was I really mentally ready to kiss Awsten? Awsten awkwardly scooted closer to me. He started to lean in. "Passionately," Otto said. Awsten began to object, but stopped because we were already about to kiss. I felt my cheeks go red. I hoped Awsten didn't notice. He put his hand on my cheek and slowly leaned in closer. I was suprised by his touch. I wanted to lean towards him as well but I just froze up. I breathed in sharply as he tilted his head and closed his eyes. In a split second, I closed my eyes as I felt his lips press to mine. They were so soft and felt comforting for some reason. Without any thinking, I naturally just kissed him back. Letting myself go. He pulled away and for a second I looked into his eyes with lust until I remembered it was only a dare. I laughed awkwardly. "Okay, you guys happy now?" Awsten laughed. "Yeah," Otto said smiling and shaking his head.

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