Life's Great!

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Sometimes life works out in your favour.

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Alex woke the next morning with a smile on her face. She had actually seen Arthur last night. She had actually touched Arthur. She had actually kissed Arthur. She was in shock.

All the things she had planned to berate Arthur about went flying out the window the moment she saw him. Why he hadn't contacted her, which she learned that he had been trying. Where he was, which was Camelot, still. Everything.

She had planned what she was going to say to him, but her mind turned to mush around him. It was like being in a different place altogether. Her mind turned on her and her thoughts were consumed with Arthur. Being with Arthur, talking with Arthur, maybe, kissing Arthur.

But, it's not like she always minded it. She loved being around Arthur, so when she was, she didn't mind her mind and body betraying her.

A knock on the door. "Alex?" came Conner's voice. "You up yet?"

Alex groaned as she sat up. "I'm up," she said groggily.

Conner opened the door and peeked in. "You have a good sleep?"

"I had the best dream,"

"What was it about?"

"That is for me to know, and for you to never pester me about,"

Conner grunted. "Alright, be that way. We're having breakfast by the way,"

Alex got out of bed fast and got ready for breakfast. As she was coming downstairs for breakfast she heard her mom and stepdad in the kitchen.

"No, Bob, that's not how you make cereal," came her mom's reprimanding voice.

"Why does it matter if you pour the milk before the cereal? You get the same result!" Bob's agitated voice echoed around the kitchen.

"No, you always pour the cereal first! Right Alex, honey?" Charlotte asked as Alex walked into the kitchen, wearing jean shorts and a tank top.

"Yes, that's how you do it, dad," Alex said, laughing on the inside. "No one pours the milk first,"

"I'm no one then?" he asked, a smile playing his lips.

"Of course not, honey," Charlotte said, putting a hand on his arm. "You're just pyshco,"

At this Alex laughed. Charlotte joined her while Bob was fighting the giggles. Soon, they were all laughing.

"What's going on in here?" Conner asked as he stood in the kitchen.

"Your father wanted to pour the milk before the cereal!" Charlotte said, which spurted more giggles.

"What's wrong with that?" Conner asked, shutting down the laughter in the kitchen.

"You mean you do that?" Alex asked incredulously.

"Sure, why not?"

"Thank you, Conner!" Bob said triumphantly.

"What?!? My brother does that?!?"

"I do, and I will," Conner said and marched over to the counter where he poured the milk and then the cereal. "See?" he asked as he held up his bowl. "No different from all you psychopaths who pour the cereal first!"

"We're the psychopaths?!?" Charlotte asked, faking enragement.

"Of course!" Bob said and poured his milk and then cereal in his bowl.

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