Prologue: Adios

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As I run through the dark halls of Cair Paravel looking for Aslan, I wonder what is to happen now. The deep magic of Narnia is making changes, changes that I fear are for the worst —but alas necessary. The White Witch has grown greedy, her power is getting stronger, and Narnia is slowly moving to an indefinitely frozen world.

She is yet not strong enough to know of my existence, had she been I wouldn't exist.

Running into the throne room I find Aslan standing before the four thrones where there used to only be two. "Your time here is coming to a close for now. I'm afraid the risk of Jadis finding you is far too great, it is a risk the deep magic is not willing to take."

"What? Aslan, I can't leave, not now. What you're asking is for me to leave not only my people, but my home."

"You won't be leaving forever, you will come back. Right now, the most important thing is to buy as much time as possible. You are still growing, still learning. When it is time for you to come back, you will know."

"Their something in the works, isn't there. I can feel it, but I can't quite read it yet."

"Your power grows strong everyday, soon you'll be able to not only read it but understand it."

"Where will I go?"

"To another world. A world very different from here, where sons and daughters of Adam and Eve live. You must know that you are neither from here or from there, but rather from where you choose to be."

"That makes no sense, but I suppose nothing ever really does"

That is how I found myself walking through a strange wooden box — that I would later learn to know as a wardrobe — in the house of a professor in the countryside of England. For two years I have lived here, anxiously waiting for when I'll get to return home. Just like Aslan said, as I grow so do my powers, and with them my understanding of them. Luckily, many physical properties in Narnia are the same here so I was able to practice my powers often.

Even while I am not in Narnia I can still sense the deep magic that rules over it, and along with it any changes that occur. What I am most worried about now is how much time has passed since I left. I have yet to grasp how time here is different from time there. Not knowing the fate of my people has been killing me, but I have faith that Aslan knows what he's doing.

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