~Dragon Hunters~

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Scarlett and Azar had already flown for several hours. They were both tired. There was silence all the time.
Scarlett : Ummm Azar, where are you?
Azar : From the Secret World
Scarlett : So why did you come after me?
Azar : Your father was the king of dragons, but after his death, Flame took over
Scarlett : Who's Flame?
Azar: Flame is half a troll and half dragon or just like us
Scarlett : What's wrong with him?
Azar : When Flame is a troll, he is the leader of the dragon hunters
Scarlett : Ouuu...
Azar: And when he is a dragon, he can control all dragons........ Except for one............ You.....
Scarlett : Why me?
Azar : Because you should be the queen
Scarlett : What now?
Azar : Do not worry, I have a plan:
We fly to the secret world, but no one can see you
Scarlett : Why?
Azar : How flame will find out that you are alive, will send hunters to you
Scarlett : Okey what's next?
Azar : Ummm..... you defeat Flame, you become a queen and dragons will finally be free
Scarlett : I can't beat myself, how do I beat Flame?
Azar : I don't know, you're the queen of dragons, use it

Two Dragons flew all night and the sun finally showed up. Both were finished.
Scarlett : Azar, maybe we'll rest?
Azar : Yeah, I have to eat something
Azar and Scarlett landed in the woods and turned into trolls.
Azar : Okay, you rest and I go for something to eat
Scarlett : Okay...

5 hours later
Scarlett : Hmmm Azar doesn't come back for a long time..... But maybe I'll see if he's still alive .....
Scarlett turned into a dragon and went into a forest. She searched for a long time and after a while saw Azar (dragon) in the cage.
Next to him stood two party trolls with weapons.
Scarlett: These are probably dragon hunters......
Scarlett fired at trolls and walked up to the cage with Azar
Azar : Scarlett?! What are you doing, run away!
Scarlett : I won't leave you
She opened the cage and flew with Azar towards their destination.
Azar: Ummm....... You know you didn't have to save me.....
Scarlett : I had to, you have friends from that, besides, you would do the same for me
Azar : Hmmm yes but you are the queen and I am an ordinary dragon
Scarlett : It doesn't matter

Azarlett - love story Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora