embarrassing encounter

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so this is my first story and it's probably gonna flop bc i suck at writing but it's ok bc this is fun to make so enjoy 😳

i was getting ready to go to the mall with my friends.

this is the first time i really got to hang out with anyone outside of school because usually my mother is way too strict especially if a boy was ever around.

but I convinced her to let me go because I got straight A's on my report card this semester. I lied about the part where no boys will be there, though.

but technically i wasn't really lying because only one boy was going to come along with us.

timothèe chalamet.

but anyways it's not like we would do anything weird together, we're just friends. but my mom would overreact even if it was just a "friend".

me and timothèe don't talk that much, we're basically just acquaintances. i only know him bc my friends are friends with him. but he's lowkey kinda cute doe ngl.

i was putting on some lipgloss just when i got a text that my friend is at my driveway to pick me up.

fuck, I'm lowkey kinda nervous. but I'm prepared. i took a shower, did my makeup, straightened my hair, put deodorant on and wore a pretty cute but a bit of a revealing red dress on.

i put everything in my bag and heard the doorbell ring so i RAN down the stairs but my mom was already there and opened the door.

just my luck. it was timothèe at the door.

"uh, hi is y/n here?"

"who are you?" my mom said in a kinda angry tone which made me nervous

"I'm one of her friends, we're going to hang out at the mall together with sophie and emilia"

my mom closed the door at his face in anger.

"YOU TOLD ME THERE WASN'T GOING TO BE ANY BOYS" she yelled probably loud enough for timothèe to hear outside.

i was so fucking embarrassed.

"okay im sorry it's just a misunderstanding. can i go outside to talk this out?"

everyone was waiting for me in the car and i was deadass about to cry but i didn't want to especially near timothèe.

he was just standing outside my door and i explained to him about how she's mad because he's here.

"I'm so sorry, i could go home if you want" he said with his soft voice.

"no, no, no. it's okay, I'll figure this out" i really wanted him to be there for some reason plus i would feel bad to leave him out.

"how about i tell your mom I'm just the driver" he said, trying to help out.

that's kinda random but i guess he could

"okay, you should try that" i said smiling at him

he rang the doorbell once again just to be opened by my mom with an angry face

"yes.?" she said with a serious tone

"I'm sorry ma'am but this was a bit of a misunderstanding, I'm actually just the driver and what i meant to say is that I'll be escorting them safely to the mall. I'm sorry for the confusion."

my moms face lightened up a bit

"well in that case, im sorry. she can go to the mall, BUT DONT MAKE EYE CONTACT WITH MY DAUGHTER YOUNG SIR" (ffs can she not embarrass me like that)

"yes ma'am" he said laughing.

she closed the door and me and timothèe walked to the car together while everyone was confused on what just happened.

"what was that" said emilia

"oh nothing, just my mom being strict"

timothèe smiled and laughed a little when i said that.

that kinda gave me butterflies.

there's 3 rows of seats in the car (lol idk how to explain that but yk what I mean).

sophie was the driver and emilia just sat in the passenger seat.

the second row was filled with random things like bags and trash so we had to sit in the 3rd row which was a bit lower from the others and was completely invisible from the other rows.

timothèe got in perfectly fine.

it was kinda hard to get in so my dumbass fell in revealing my underwear a little.

"woah there" he said. but this time his voice was deeper and he had a huge smirk on his face

to my luck, i landed on timothèe's lap. HIS. FUCKING. LAP.

i could literally feel his dick through his pants.

my face turned bright red but i couldn't move. i was just frozen. but he never pushed me off

"I am so sorry, i didn't mean to-"

"no need to apologize" he said in the sexiest way, making me feel some type of way.

how many fucking times am i going to embarrass myself near a boy. a hot boy.

we haven't even made it to our destination and i already fucked up twice.

welp that was it for this one but imma make another one rn. keep reading for the smut 😏

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