Chapter 2: ABSOLUTE-ly

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As I fell in and out of consciousness, I saw bits and pieces of things happening around me. I saw the roof of dance mania rush over me, Finn running beside me telling me something, Emily on the phone running behind us.... I remember getting lifted into a ambulance I think....

I started to wake back up but it took a sec for me to be able to see and proses what was going on around me the first thing i saw was Emily, and my mom all talking to the nurse... or maybe it was the doctor?? Sitting in a chair right in front of me was James with Riley snuggled into his arms with there heads leaning on each other's and I could tell james was worried. Then as I look to the side of me I see Finn, holding my hand that's lying on the bed with his head pressed up against it.... he was whimpering something but I- I can't understand him. "Finn?" I say the loudest that I could. But it was so quiet I wouldn't think anyone could hear me, I COULD BARLEY HEAR ME. But Finn stuck his head up so quick "piper?, pipes  hey, hey your ok, ok.. your fine..." by then james was on the other side of me. I heard Riley call my mom and Emily to tell them that I was awake she was standing right behind james ... "hey pipes, are you ok??" James asked me. "Yes guys I'm fine but, what happened did- did I pass out??" "Yes piper you passed out because of your anxiety, you gave everyone a really big scare." The nurse said "but am I ok to dance" I could SEE Everyone in the rooms heart drop, especially Finns he looked heart Broken and... hurt. "Piper you will be able to dance in the future" the future what does that mean. "How far only the future??" "Pipes you can't finish dance mania.." Finn said as he put his hand up to my head and looked in my eyes. I could tell that he was just as hart broken for me as I was.. " so that's it I'm done??" Emily was standing at the end of the bed. "Well  sense you technically haven't been on dance mania for more then one episode absolute dance has agreed to let you still compete in all absolute dance competitions." Emily said with a Smirk on her face, I could tell she was happy for me.  Just as she finished, Nick comes through the door with his phone up to his ear, "yes...yes...really??....oh...well of course........I understand.....thank you... bye." He walks to the end of the bed everyone is staring at him now "huh piper your awake!! Lovely, lovely." "Who where you on the phone with??" Emily asked nick "umm.. Richelle!!" "Richelle?? Did she say anything about dance mania?? Did the judges decide yet? Are we through to the next round?" I asked, so many words were coming out my mouth so quickly I could feel my head getting dizzy again, and apparently Finn could see it. "Pipes hey calm down... we can worry about that latter..." he was being so sweet, and cared so much, but I still want to know if we got through!! "Finn it's ok, I'm ok I just want to know." I said as I grabbed his hand that was on my head. "Ok" he said as he nodes and looks deeper in my eyes. But as I feel into his deeper and deeper I could James's piercing through me "Nick why don't you tell us what they said." James said with a tone of quickness. Nick looked at Emily then all the way around the room then looked back at me. "WE GOT THROUGH!!!" Nick yelled as he hoped up and down. "We did? Yess!!" Finn said as he hopes up. "Oh my god, piper we did it we did it!!" Finn said as he grabbed my head and and kissed me on the for head. I smiled, I loved seeing him this happy. His smile was so cute. "Finn congratulations I'm so happy for a-troup!!" He stoped dead in his tracks his smile disappeared in a matter of seconds, he looks around the room then back at me. "But piper can't dance.... she's not gonna be able to go one stage with me??.... we're- we're not doing this together??" He said as he sat into the chair next to my bed. "With pipers ankle she can't dance in dance mania it won't be healed in time" Emily said looking at Finn more then me. "But we were doing this together.....pipes were both supposed to be on the stage... we were gonna win together." He looked into my eyes, I knew the next words out of his mouth were gonna be something like, I'm not doing this with out you. But before he could say anything else I said- "Finn you are going to go on that stage and dance the best you can, even if I'm not up there your gonna dance for me." I wanted to dance on dance mania so bad, but Finn wasn't going to give up his chance for me. "Piper I-" "no Finn your going to dance on the show." I grabbed his hand, he smiled and again we just stared into each other's eyes. It was so easy to get lost in them, the way the light glares on them making them sparkle and- "well Finn and I are going to go get some food from the cafeteria." James said cutting of my train of thought, Finns to, he snapped back and looked at James "I'm not very hungry"  "no but piper might be....and I am so." James stated as he gave Finn a very over protective brother look. "Yep, piper do you want anything??" Finn asked as he stood up. "Umm, maybe a-" "fruit bowl with a coffee?" "Yes but-" "no milk!" I smiled at him and liped the words thank you, he nodes as James pushes him out the door. "James don't hurt that boy, we don't need to loose another dancer!!" Emily yells as she runs after James and Finn. Nick, standing at the end of the bed with a smile on his face, looks at Riley looks at me, at Riley then back at me then takes a deep sigh and walks out. Me and Riley look at each other and laugh. "I'm so happy there is someone to annoy Emily with me gone" "well he does a very good job" I say to Riley as she softly sits on the bed. "Soo are you really ok?"    "Ya of course why wouldn't I be?"          "Piper it's just you and me, it's ok..." I could always talk to Riley and she always knows when I'm lying so I guess I could talk to her... "no.... not really I was really looking forward to dancing on dance mania and now- I don't know what I'm going to do.." Riley took a deep breath "piper listen, you will have other chances and Emily was able to talk them into letting you compete..." she made a good point but it felt like something was missing, I don't know it just- it just Dosent feel right. " I know and I am so thankful for that but-" "but Finn isn't going to be able to.." she some how knew what I was thinking, what I needed before I did. "Finn? What does Finn have to do with my dance career?" She smiled. "Piper I know that it's been hard, for you to admit that you liked Finn, then even harder for you to start dating him but-" "but what" I cut her off... I'm really not sure what Finn has to do with my dancing. "Piper i can see that you care about Finn a lot..Piper you-" " I love Finn?" I looked up at her she pushed her lips together and nodded. I- I love Finn? I love Finn! "But what does that have to do with-" "you love him, and I think your scared that if you guys aren't dancing together, he won't feel the same and Finn have always been on the same team dancing for the same goals.. and now that you can't.....well..." I never thought of that, but now that Riley has put it into words... I think she's right. I've only ever danced on the same side as Finn we haven't been on separate teams, I'm not sure if I can do it with out him. He helped me gain my confidence back, he helped me fined myself again and to think about ever loosing breaks my heart. "But what do I do?......I can't tell him to not dance in dance mania it's his dream, I can't take that away from him."        "Talk to Finn tell him how you feel, don't tell him not to dance....just .... how YOU feel." Riley made a good point but how was I supposed to tell finn that.... I love him? And what if he didn't feel the same? "Thanks Riley!"        "Your welcome piper".      "I'm so happy your here"           "I'm happy your here to!" I really was happy Riley was here, with out her I don't know how long it would have taken for me to figure it out.

Then we Hurd from the hall way,"Fruity moons, fruity moons sing a little toon-" then through the door popped James and Finn singing the fruity moons song with Emily behind them, I could tell she was getting annoyed with them. "Pipes I think this is for you!" He handed me my coffee, pulled the table over my bed and opened my fruit salad sat it on the table and gave me my fork. "Thanks Finn" he sat down in the chair and started to eat his pizza. "Finn I thought you weren't hungry?" "Well I wasn't, then I saw some fried chicken and then here we are!"         "I thought you didn't like fried chicken"      "I don't".      "then why did that make you hungry?"        "Because, food makes me hungry!"    Riley laughed     "I've Hurd that somewhere" as she grabs James arm and he puts a grape in her mouth, "where?" He says confused.
"Piper I'm sorry but me and nick are going to have to get going, we have to talk to the judges and producers about the next round." Emily said with a disappointed look on her face. "It's ok emm, I understand." She smiled "now bi piper, you guys call me if anything else happens." Emily stated as she walked out the door. Right as Emily walked out the door the nurse walked in "piper?"    "Yes."    "Great news your good to leave!"    "Yay pipes" Finn said as he jumped up holding my hand. "I'll just get the form and you will be good to go!!"  "Ok, thank you" Riley said to the nurse as she walked back out the door. "Piper are you going to go back to the hotel with a-troupe, or do you want to go back to mine and James's?" As much as I wanted to go with James and Riley I knew that I should go and see everyone. "I think I'll go with a troupe ." "Ok" James said with his mouth full.

Finn pushed me out to the car in a wheel chair, and Riley and James walked in front of us. When we finally got to the car, Finn opened the door slid one of his arms under my legs and the other one around my back and under my arms and lifted me into the car. "Finn the doctor gave me crutches so that way I can walk by myself, I don't need you to put me in the car." I told him as he sat me on the seat. "I know but, I want to." He claimed as he smiled and reached over me to grab the seat belt. He buckled me and then grabbed my head and softly kissed my forehead, he wasn't going to kiss me with James there. He looked me in the eyes for what felt like forever then shut the door. He walked around the car opened the door and got in beside me and buckled up. James was driving and Riley was in the passenger side. They looked so good together. I started to think if I would ever be that happy, what if I never find someone like that? I could tell that the smile that was on my face was disappearing and right before I went into a down words spiral, Finn grabbed my hand smiled then looked back out the window. I love him so much if only I could tell him.

This chapter was a little shorter then what I would like it to be but that's all I wanted in it so... I should have another chapter up by the 16th!! Thank you for reading!! 😊

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