Chapter 326 - 330

Start from the beginning

Yu Luoluo was shocked and looked at Ling Tianya in disbelief. “Is this true?”

Ling Tianya silently nodded and told Yu Luoluo in detail what happened in those years.

The expression on Yu Luoluo’s face gradually changed from suspicion to sympathy, and finally to anger.

“This Qu Wan, she is an animal!” Yu Luoluo’s eyes went red, “Where is she right now? Is she still in the Ling Family? Does your father believe her?”

Ling Tianya smiled as she asked the big body guard to loosen the rope on Yu Luoluo. “She is serving her sentence in prison.”

Chapter 328: What a Bastard

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Serving time in jail?”

Yu Luoluo was surprised to hear that. Huang Dawei was still abusing them with all the authority in the world, and his daughter Huang Yuqing ordered her around as though she was a maid.

Big One let go of Yu Luoluo. Yu Luoluo continued, “You’re sure that Qu Wan is in jail?”

“Very sure. I’m the one that sent her in.”

“You sent her in? Why?” Yu Luoluo suddenly felt like Ling Tianya’s existence was a miracle.

“It’s a long story. Tell me first how Granny is now.” Seeing Yu Luoluo’s reaction, the Huang family probably hadn’t known what had happened to Qu Wan yet, but Ling Tianya was more pressed to know how her grandmother is now.

Yu Luoluo’s eyes dropped. “She’s not doing well. She’s getting old, but she’s still getting ordered around like a maid by the Huang’s. She never gets a full meal, doesn’t get enough to be warm, and she’s living in the basement.”

Ling Tianya couldn’t take it anymore. “Why did it become like this way? And you guys just let him do whatever he wants?”

Yu Luoluo pouted. “What choice do I have? I’ve tried to fight back, but there’s no use at all. Huang Dawei has threatened us with my mother’s life, and he’s ordered for people to stay in the hospital every day just to look over my mother and to prevent her from getting into contact with me and Granny.”

“Why not call the police?”

“We didn’t dare to. Huang Dawei said that if I and Granny didn’t listen, he would stop the medication for my mother or even find someone to kill her directly. He had the Ling family supporting him anyway, so even if something happened, they could just smooth it over with money.”

“What a b*stard!” Ling Tianya’s palm slapped loudly on theback of the sofa, the coldness in her eyes as sharp as a newly smithed blade, heartless and ruthless.

“So you really didn’t know about any of theis?” Yu Luoluo looked at how agitated Ling Tianya was. It didn’t seem like she was pretending.

“I didn’t! If I did, I wouldn’t have let Huang Dawei go so far!”

Yu Luoluo seemed to finally believe Ling Tianya. She began to cry as she dove into Ling Tianya’s open arms. “Tianya, I’m so glad that you’re here! Granny and I really have had a really, really tough life…”

Without all of her defenses, Yu Luoluo was just like a helpless stray animal in the middle of a cold winter, trying desperately to look for warmth from another.

Ling Tianya smoothed her hand down Yu Luoluo’s back, trying to untie the knots of worry in her heart.

If she hadn’t come to find her Grandmother, she wouldn’t have found about what had happened to the Yu family. If she had never come, she would have never known. Yu Luoluo, and maybe even her grandmother and her aunt too, would have continued hating her.

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