Grey Hair

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"I really must look like a joker to you. May you help me by enlightening me on what you found so funny upon seeing me" Dumile suspected that whatever has gotten her friend rolling in laughter had to be her. She noticed that Sindile was focused on whatever task she was doing before the dog started barking.

Sindile was puzzled for a moment. She wasn't going to tell her friend about her mother's cruelty towards her behind. She still wanted this friendship.

"No hey, it's not you. Just that the dog reminded me of something really funny that happened this morning" she lied. She was not very good at lying. Telling one lie was not a problem, the problem comes up when she has to tell more lies to back up the first lie.

"Really! What happened this morning" her friend was aware that she was very bad at lying so she pushed a little to see if she was telling the truth.

"The poor dogs head was stuck in a can and she was going around bumping on things" she was hoping she would not be caught in her own lies. She heard that story from someone some time back and she couldn't recall who.

Dumile burst out laughing "Sindi my dearest, lying is not a talent you have. My dog was stuck in a can. I told you about it like two weeks ago" they both burst out laughing

"I should really teach you how to lie. You will embarrass me in front of important acquaintances"

"No wonder mother doesn't like me hanging out with you" Sindile concluded. Dumile rolled her eyes and they giggled once more.

Zuzile watched as the girls continued to work on the maize taking turns, chattering and gigging. They were having a great time. She realized that Sindile was always happy around her friend and her heart swelled. This Dumile girl wasn't so bad after all.

Dumile was also nineteen years old and she was not as reserved and naïve as Sindile. She was the total opposite of her friend. Dumile could be described as the life of the party, her vibrant nature always draws people to her. She was not afraid to approach people and introduce herself, which is precisely how she became friends with Sindile Banda.

They met at school in first grade five years ago. Sindile was the most quiet girl in class, most times she was caught sucking her thumb not talking to anyone seeming lost, so Dumile took it upon herself to make friends with her. Turned out Sindile could be a wonderful friend when you get to know her, and they were tuck together since then.

"You know, my father just told me that I will not be going back to school next year. He wants to focus on paying for my brothers, all three of them except for me. This is not fare Sindi" she was clearly devastated about the new development or lack of development that is.

Unlike her friend Dumile was deeply bothered by this predicament. She had totally different dreams from that of her friend. She wanted to go to college some day and become a journalist. She wanted to leave this shit hole they call their home and enjoy life in the city. Dumile was not going to let her dream go down the river and become some pathetic wife.

" It's really not fare that he would mention this right now, mother told me five years ago that I was only going to go to school to learn how to read and write. I do not mind though, it's not like I need a lot of education to learn how to count pieces of meat. Look at us, we are already women. You will be old and grey by the time you complete school. You think you going to get a suitor then?"

"I will not need a suitor my friend, I will have a job and live off of my own earnings. I do not need a man to dictate my life. I will be an independent lady"

These young ladies were wired differently. They had different views of the world and their values were different which made them very good for each other. They always had things to argue and bicker about. They have been working for hours now and they did not realize how much time had passed because of their conversations. They talked about all sorts of things, from education to marriage. They were gossiping about other people's lives when the dog rushed past them running towards the main entrance wagging its tail.

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