As Captain (F/n) started laughing like a crazy maniac, I noticed Captain Levi appear behind her and knock her out. Finally ending the crazy laughter as he caught the knocked out woman.

"Tch. There she goes again, getting carried away and not controlling her blood-lust." Captain Levi said making me stiffen at how he just knocked her out, acting as if this were an everyday thing.

"Uh- S-Sir." I finally called out as Levi hummed in response, turning towards me. "What... What was all that about?" I asked, referring to what just happens and what she said.

"Listen kid. She's someone who craves for the sight of blood. Making her dangerous when she's in that blood-lust state. It's something that runs in her family, so try and avoid hurting yourself in some way when not necessary, that draws the attention of her. Most times she'll be able to resist, but you got her to talk about her past. Her bloody past, which was a red flag. I'll lay this idiot in bed while you put away her cup. That's an order." Levi explained as he finally carried the unconscious woman in his arms, out the room and towards her room.

So. It's true that she really is a Scavo and not just someone who coincidentally got the same last name. Doesn't her surname mean Slave? If she really is a Scavo, it doesn't connect to it all all. Though. From what I heard from Armin is they've changed and instead of Slaves, they've become murders. It seems like Captain Levi knows how to deal with it. As if he's done it in the past. They both came from the underground so... Did they both know each other when they were down there?!

Just as I thought that, Levi squad came in and took a seat. Eld questioning what all the things on the table were about and asking about Captain (F/n).


3rd P.O.V.

Arnost walked around during midnight bored out of his mind. He sneaked out, surprised there wasn't anyone that was on guard despite what happened with those two Titans.

I'm starving. I didn't eat anything this afternoon due to that old man ordering me to clean the whole barracks while everyone else ate. Huh? Is that... Annie?

Arnost thought as he raised a brow and stopped in his tracks, squinting his eyes making sure he wasn't just seeing things. It was her though. She just stood there leaning on the stone rail and staring at the water. He walked over to her and leaned on the stone rail,  looking at the water, not saying anything for a minute or two before speaking.

"Whatcha doing here all the way over here, Annie? You patrolling the place or just came here to admire the water?" Arnost asked with a slight smirk. He wouldn't say he had a close relationship with her, but they spoke from time to time during training camp. Despite her scary looks and her attitude, he. enjoyed her company and she didn't mind his.

"You can say that." Annie responded as she continued to stare at the water. In her perspective, she thought they were pretty close. She told him a bit of her past, apart from the whole Titan thing and her mission. For some reason, she trusted him enough to become friends with him, but for some reason she felt something else when with him.

"Ah, my first day sucked. I was stuck cleaning the barracks while everyone else ate. That short old man is a pain." Arnost complained as he ran his fingers through his hair, moving it away from his face.

"Maybe I should cut my hair. It's staring to get in the way despite me tying it up... how short do—"

"No!" Annie half shouted half whispered, surprising Arnost. He raised a brow as he looked at her in confusion. She turned away, avoiding his gaze. "I mean. You shouldn't. You said yourself you wanted to grow you're hair, so don't cut it because of what others say." Annie explained as she looked back at him.

He has a surprised look with faint pink, blush on his cheeks. He smiled and ruffled her hair. "Thanks for the advice Annie! I guess you're right. Besides who cares what others say. It's my choice, so I decide what to do." Arnost said as he shrugged and gave her a smile.

She could feel her cheeks slightly warm up as she stared at him. She turned back towards the water and decided to ask him something.

"Arnost." She spoke, earning a hum from his, assuring her that he was listening. "What do you think about the armored and colossal titan?" Annie asked as Arnost placed his index finger on his chin.

"I don't know. I don't resent them, but I'm not fond of them either. Those Titans seemed like they knew what they were doing, they had intelligence. So I assume their Titan-shifters like that kid Eren. Of course if that's the case, I can't help, but wonder their reasons for destroying the gates." Arnost explained, failing to notice Annie's shocked and confused look.

"Why don't you hate them? Didn't they destroy you're home?" Annie asked, staring at him with a shocked look. Arnost turned his head and stared at her with a confused look.

Manga/Anime spoiler warning

"Why would I?" He asked with a raised brow, still leaning on the stone. "If they really are Titan-shifters, they must have their reasons for doing so. I have an idea as to who is a titan shifter. Their in the survey corps. If my theory is right, then they must have been a kid when they destroyed the gate. He doesn't seem like the type that would do such a thing, so. My theory is he was somewhat forced. As if he had to do it, as if he was ordered to do so. You can see the regret in his eyes." Arnost continued, speaking calmly and not freaking out. He didn't seem mad at all, he didn't seem like he wanted to kill the ones that caused destruction in his home.

"Who... Who do you think it is?" Annie asked, feeling herself tense up. She didn't know how someone could figure it out so easily.

"Bertolt. If it is him, then his friend must be another titan-shifter since they both came together. Reiner must be the armored titan. They both have regret in their eyes." Arnost answered as he sat on the stone rail with his hands in his pockets, his gaze locked on the ground and his tone was so calm that you'd think he was another suspect that was admitting everything.

"But. They must have reasons. If people knew, they'd call them enemy's and traitors. Which is what they kind of are, but to me their just like us. The same. Wanting freedom. I know they didn't experience the Titan attack and they came from somewhere else. How? Their backstory reminded me of an old man who said the same. I overheard his conversation, but I don't know who he said it to. I also over heard Reiner and Bertolt. Will I rat them out? No. Why? Who knows. I feel somewhat pity for them. They really are good people despite what they did. Now. Annie. Won't you shed a little light on what you guys are planning?" Arnost explained at he lifted his head and glanced over at Annie who stared at him in shocked disbelief.

How does he?—

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