DJ-*Laughs and goes back to rubbing her feet*

Angela's P.O.V.


Bryce-*Crawls into her lap* What's wrong Angie? *Wipes her tears*

Angela-*Looks down at him* *sniffles* I just miss somebody that's all.

Bryce-*Kisses her forehead* That's ok. Mommy says when you miss people that just means they're close to your heart.

Angela-*Smiles* When did you get so smart my friend?

Bryce-*Shrugs* Doesn't matter. I'll be your boyfriend

Angela-*Pecks his cheek*

Bryce-*Holds her hands* Now let's talk about Christmas.


Daniella's P.O.V.




Daniella-STOP AUGUST! *starts smacking his chest*

August-*Looks down at her and sighs* Baybeh stop. *grabs her wrists*

Daniella-*Starts crying* August I killed my own sons father.

August-*Picks her up bridal style and pecks her forehead* Baybeh chill fa me? Aight? *Lays her down on the bed*

Daniella-*Sniffles while still crying* I- I- I *coughs* I can't be-believe myself! I ca-can't live with myself.

August-Baybeh I wish I could take dat' pain away from ya' but I ain't got dat type of powah.

Daniella-*Trys catching her breath*

August-*Sighs and looks away from her* Baybeh get some rest. I'm Ah check on Breylyn. Aight? *Kiss her face multiple times*

Daniella-*Nods her head yes*

August-Ard. *Leaves the room and goes down the hall to Breylyn's room* Brey? *starts looking around for her* I know da girl can't crawl lawd.. DANIELLA! DANIELLA!

Daniella-*Walks in sluggishly* Huh?

August-Where's Brey?

Daniella-*Looks around the room for her baby* I laid her down in her crib to take a nap a hour ago

August-*Looks at the ground and picks up a note* You take ma' son, I take ya' Baybeh. He reads aloud.

Daniella-HE FUCKED WITH THE WRONG ONE! She yelled as her and August ran downstairs and grabbed their car keys.

Diggy's P.O.V.

Diggy-Only it's you got me feeling like this...

Imani-I'm lovin, while grabbin the rhythm in ya hips...

Diggy-Rhythm is a dancer I need a companion ...

Imani-Boy I guess it must be you... *Smiles*

Diggy-Body like the summer *twirls around and flicks cake batter at her* touchin' like no other don't you tell Em what we do.

Imani-*laughs* *stands on the counter and runs off of it jumping on his back* DONT TELL EM! DONT TELL EM! YOU AIN'T EVEN GONE TELL EM.

Diggy-*Laughs* You got it stink.

Imani-*Laughs* I love you Papi.

Diggy-I love you more stinky.

YN-*Walk in the house pulling your heels off and into the kitchen*

Imani-NONA! *Jumps off Diggy's back and runs into your arms as you squat down to hug her*

YN-Hey gorgeous! How are you?

Imani-*Lets go* I'm good beautiful.

YN-*Smile and stand up straight*

Imani-*Stands on top of your feet as you grab her hands and you hold onto her as you walk* *giggles*


Diggy-Hey baby *Pecks your cheek* You okay?

YN-Umm.. Diggy the job... Was never finished.

Diggy-*Laughs* You ain't cum last night?

YN-*Smack his chest* No Diggy the other job...

Diggy-*looks confused*

YN-Bang bang. Dead.

Diggy-OHHHHH! What do you mean?

YN-I saw him today. *Bite your lip*

Diggy-FUCK! He yells throwing a bowl out of the glass window as it shatters*

YN-*Pick up Imani quickly and face the other way so no glass gets on her*


YN-You okay? You ask her in you arms.

Imani-*Slowly nods her head yes*

Diggy-Stay here. You got me? *grabs his car keys*

YN-Daniel where are you going?

Diggy-*Kisses you passionately* I love you.

YN-I love you too.

Imani-I love to too.


Diggy-*Chuckles*i love you too little bit *kisses her forehead*

The Scars of A Simmons(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now