how you meet

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- you were the new girl at welton
- your parents payed a lot of money to get you into that school
- and your uncle John Keating works there too
- you walked into your uncle's class room and suddenly the class goes quiet as all the boys stare intensely at you
- you see cute boys, very, very cute boys
- " ahh (y/n) darling it's so good to see you" your very excited uncle says as he rushed to pull you into a hug
- " Uncle John! It's so good to see you"
- you pull away and sit next to a cute boy with high cheekbones
- " hi I'm Neil Perry it's very nice to meet you" he says with a smile putting his hand out for you to shake
- when you put your hand in his he lifts your hand and places and small kiss to your hand
- you smile and blush " my name's (y/n) Keating it's nice to meet you "

- you were Neil's twin sister and you were in his dorm after the service waiting for him while he talks to Mr Nolan
- you see his roommate walk into the room
- you thought he was very cute with his blonde hair swooped over to the side and his shy demeanor
- " you must be Todd my name's (y/n) I'm Neil's twin sister " you say with a smile putting your hand out to shake his
- he slowly shakes your hand with a small blush

- you were visiting your brother Knox with your parents
- you walked into your brothers dorm and see Charlie on his bed reading some book
- "well this must be my lucky day" he says sitting up with a smirk
- you smile sarcastically and ask where Knox was
- he said he was in the boys common room
- " but before you go may I ask what your name is gorgeous" he says getting up to stand in front of you
-  " (y/n) " you say and walk out of the room to go tell your brother you met a cute boy

- you were Chet's sister and your parents were expecting him tonight. you hear the door bell and went to open the door
- you open it and see him looking at you intensely
- you smiled and asked for his name
- " um I'm Knox Overstreet uh I'm here to um meet um Mr Danbury " he stuttered quickly
- you smile and call for your mom and you tell him your name
- after dinner he asked for your number

- you meet when Charlie took you and your friends to the cave
- you and your friends were the new girls at school for a experiment
- you were honestly very scared, going into the woods with a guy you barley knew just because your friends said it would be "fun"
- you get to the cave and see very cute boys like really cute boys
- your eyes meet a certain redheaded boy with cute glasses and fluffy red hair
- you decided to sit next to a tall shy boy and him
- " hi I'm Steven Meeks " he says putting his hand out for you to shake
- you smiled and shook his hand and told him your name
- through out the meeting you notice him sitting closer and closer to you occasionally looking at you
- walking back to the school he walks you back to your dorm and you kiss his cheek as a thank you

- you and Pitts meet at Neil's play
- you were there supporting your cousin and notice a few of his friends
- you were sat next to him and he thought you were the most beautiful girl he had ever seen
- " hi I'm Gerard Pitts I'm not sure we have ever met" he says smiling at you
- you told him you were Neil's cousin and told him your name
- through out the play you saw him looking at you like a lot
- after the play you were getting ready to leave with your uncle and Neil
- " (y/n)! wait a second " you hear him say rushing after you
- you told your uncle to wait for you in the car that you would be back
- " what's up Pitts? " you say
- he looks down at you and  quietly asked for your number you smiled and gave it to him on a napkin
- he called later that night

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