
I had found out some information on where Voltron was heading next. I had also sensed an enormous amount of energy radiating from that sick Galra Prince's ship. I knew he was evil, and I was not about to let him convince anyone that he wasn't.

So, while he was stationed at an allied base for supplies and fuel, I snuck onto his ship, ready to take back that energy source.

I laid low in a secluded section of the cargo hold, where barely any of the crew came in, so i was safe for the time being.

I kept my blue hood up and stayed close to the shadows, the only light I had was from my pendant, showing me a picture of the sister I was dying to meet. I kept telling myself that she would come. Five days passed and she, nor did the rest of her team show.

"All crew members, prepare for initial attack on the base. Repeat, all crew members prepare for initial attack." Prince Lotor's voice said through the PA.

I put away my pendant and grabbed my collapsible bow, prepared to defend and attack if the need comes to light.

Suddenly, the ship began to fire at the base, the shots echoing off the cargo hold's walls.

Just then, I felt someome fly close to the base. A familiar energy that mother told me I would know the moment I felt it. She described it always as a soft and kind energy that wrapped around you in a warm embrace. Like when the stars sang to you at night and when the sun wrapped its warmth around you. That was her energy.

It was my sister.

I smiled and pulled my hood down, showing off my white and blue hair.

"Finally. I get to finally meet you, big sister." I whsipered to myself, getting up from my hiding place and went to find a better place where I could help her when she came.


We sped closer and closer to the Galra base, finally stopping close enough to the base where we could hide our speeders.

We crept around the base and made it to the ship, always being careful not to be spotted by any wavering eyes.

"Shiro, we've just boarded the ship." Keith informed, "There's no crew in sight. Moving forward with the search."

We went further inside and Pidge shot the access panel to one of the doors, opening it and letting us through. Hunk walked through calmly after assessed that there was no crew in sight down this hall. He carried a device similar to the one he created back on Earth to find the Blue Lion. We were caught at a fork in the halls, relying on Hunk to find the comet.

"This way." He said, the device beeping rapidly when he pointed it down the right hall. In response to that, we continued to follow Hunk and the signal while listening to the fighting that continued down in the base.

But after we got closer to the comet's signal, the fighting stopped and the halls went quiet.

"Sounds like the fight next door is over. Let's hurry." Keith said. We went forward, continuing our search when all of a sudden, i felt two strange energies in the ship.

One was stationary, the other moving closer towards the other cargo hold, the one closer to us.

I ran up to Keith, "Keith, something is following us." I whsipered to him.

He didn't make a move to show that he heard me, but he glanced at me for a short second.

"You sure?" He asked. I nodded.

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