Chapter Four

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   The next morning Wicked wakes up and notice Frieza was gone she got up and want to her room to get ready. She didn't really know her way around yet so she just walked around. "Wicked!" Frieza yelled form a room she past so she turned back around. "Yes Frieza" Wicked said the room had a lot of things in it that looked like someone could train. "Come watch me beat them" Frieza said as he pointed to the guards in the room. He picked Wicked up and put her in a chair Wicked blushed.

     Wicked was watching Frieza he had 4 out of 10 guards on the floor just in 6 minutes. But after 30 minutes they were all on the floor Wicked clapped with a smile ob her face. "Well done Frieza but can you beat a demon" Wicked smiled and got up. "Yeah I can" Frieza said making her smile. "Then try to or are you to scared" Wicked said with a smile. Frieza walked over to her and tried to kick her but Wicked grabbed his leg. Frieza smiled and used his tail to grad her other hand "if you let go I'll let go" Frieza said with a smile.
"And if I don't" Wicked said making Frieza smile as his tail moved up her arm. "It won't be good" Frieza said only making Wicked laugh.

   Frieza and Wicked stayed like this for a hour Wicked soon let go when Frieza moved his arm to her back giving her chills.  "Got you" Frieza said as he pushed her on the floor. Wicked teleported behind him and grabbed his tail and pulled it making him stop in his tracks. "You really are a demon" Frieza said as he noticed she had a tail to so he pulled her's. "I'll see you later Wicked" Frieza smiled and walked out of the room Wicked was holding her tail blushing. "Someone likes Lord Frieza" one of the guards said Wicked only walked away.

    King Cold and Cooler were in the kitchen King Cold had a coffee and Cooler had tea. "So Wicked you like my brother not me" Cooler said making Wicked stop. "H how did you?" Wicked asked him. "Father told me to go see if Frieza was okay and when I walked in the room you and him were sleeping together!" Cooler said upset making Wicked back up. "So what it's not my fault he doesn't try to make things move so fast you do I would never love you and I'm sorry you didn't see that" Wicked said as she walked away all King Cold did was smile at Wicked. "She just father yell at her!" Cooler said mad but King Cold didn't do anything. Frieza walked in laughing he heard everything "upset brother" he said Cooler give him a look.

    "How did you get her and I didn't?" Cooler said Frieza only laughed. "Boys the rule was who could get her to sleep with them wins but Frieza also got her to love him so Frieza wins Wicked will be his queen" King Cold said as he walks away with Cooler. Frieza smiled as he had someone get him something to drink he loved Wicked so much. Wining means a lot to him Cooler won't have Wicked he would this made him smile more.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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Lord Frieza x demon oc Wicked RedWhere stories live. Discover now