u rlly think i would leave u on a cliff hanger. im not cruel. 

I was Jake. Jake was my ex. Jake was my boyfriend when I was in 9th grade and he was in 10th. he would abuse me, call me names and force me to do stuff. as soon as I saw him I tried to walk out of the kitchen only to have my arm be grabbed. Jake was dragging me up the stairs into a bathroom. I was about to yell for someone or anyone when he looked me in the eye

⚠️sensitivity/trigger warning⚠️

he looked me in the eye and pulled out a pocket knife.

"say one word and" he said holding up the pocket knife. I was bout to get raped. Josh and I have done "it" before but there was consent from both of us. I was terrified

skip to after he do whatever he do bc i ain't writing that its to uncomfortable to write idk how ppl write that kinda stuff. 

after half an hour he finished. everywhere hurt.

"that will teach you not to dump me" he said as he took the knife and made one cut under my breast.

"and that will teach you don't rat me out" he stated as he made 3 cuts in my arm, then he left. 

⚠️sensitivity/trigger warning over⚠️

I sat there when I heared a knock at the door.

"occupied" was all managed to get out

"Ness, are you ok" the voice came through. it was Josh. I didn't respond.

"I'm coming in whether you want me to or not" he said. 


I had seen Nessa going up the stairs about 45 minuets ago, and the guy she went up with left a while ago. I went into my car and got a pair of sweats and a hoodie just in case. I walked up the stairs to the bathroom.

"occupied" I heared the little voice of Nessa say

"Ness, are you ok" I asked. she didn't respond

"I'm coming in whether you want me to or not" I said. I walked into the washroom to she Nessa in the corner curled in a ball. her eyes were red and puffy, but still beautiful. I looked down at her arm to she 3 cuts and blood all over her arm. I went closer to her and she flinched

"shhh it's okay i'm not gonna hurt you" I said, and she eased up a tiny it. I helped her into the clothes I had brought her, and carried her out to my car. she had started crying again. I didn't wanna over step my boundaries by getting all touchy with her. I had put her purse and other clothes in the back seat, and I reclined the passenger seat and layed her down there. she was out. had to call Kouvr and Mia because I needed their help.

bold- Josh

whatever this is- Kouvr


hi Josh whats up

I need you and Mia to come to Nessa's apartment as soon as possible

"whats going on" Mia asked 

sure we'll leave now

bring clothes you might wanna stay the night

whats happening is Ness ok your scaring me

I dont even know i dont want Ness to wake up so I gotta hang up bye



we pulled up to the apartment, Kouvr and Mia were standing outside the building.





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