chapter 5

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A few days had gone by.
Nothing new. Just the same old routine but I couldn't keep myself from thinking of him.

The phone rang and my heart skipped, hoping for one voice.

"Hey, I'm sorry about the other day I wasn't myself" Arthur's voice sent shivers down my spine. I stayed silent but he continued to speak.

"I was wondering if you still wanted to come to one of my shows. It's tonight, I know it's short notice so I can understand if you can't attend but I would-" I cut him off saying I'd love to go.
"That's great, it starts at 7:00pm at pogo's. I've left you a little surprise by your bed too. See you then love". He hung up.

I slammed the phone down and ran to my room. I looked everywhere until I layed eyes on it.
A little black box tucked under my bed.

I opened it up and inside layed the most beautiful silver necklace. It was incredibly detailed and elegant. How the hell did he manage to get this?! My mind was racing but I put it on and walked over to the mirror.

It looked priceless against my skin and it made me feel like a princess.
It was 5:30 so I began getting ready. I had a shower, washed my hair and put on a cute red dress paired with a pair of black heels. It wasn't too fancy as it didn't need to be, but it still made me feel special.

I sat at a table near the back with a cocktail. There was a little lamp in the middle giving each table a warm feel. I sat waiting for him to come on stage.
"Please welcome Arthur Fleck".
There he was as cheerful as ever but I could tell he was nervous.
He walked onto stage with his joke book in hand, scanning the audience. He layed eyes on me, then to my necklace. He gave me a small smile and began speaking.

"Hello-" He began laughing. "Hello it's good to be-" The laugh grew stronger.
Oh no please not now I thought.
He turned around and bent over trying to stop himself.
Turning back round I could see how frightened and mad he was at himself.
All these emotions were too much for him.

All I wanted to do was run up to him and comfort him. His arm covered his mouth but his muffled laughter could still be heard. It was painful to see him like this.

"I- I hated school as a- as a kid" He tried so desperately to carry on but the laughter took over. The microphone pierced through the room setting Arthur off even more. He began choking and holding his throat.
I couldn't bare this, people were beginning to laugh. Seriously?!

He looked like he was about to burst into tears when amazingly he managed to control it a bit. "My mother would say you should enjoy it, one day you'll have to work for a living no I won't ma, I'm going to be a comedian" He was gaining control. People were starting to laugh with him rather than at him.

My head lifted and I couldn't be more proud. His jokes were great and everyone seemed to love the night, even Arthur. Every now and again he would look over to me and I would give him a reassuring smile. He was loved by the crowd.

I waited out the back for Arthur to come out.
He walked out grinning to himself and before he could say anything I ran up to him wrapping my arms around him. He picked me up and spun me around. We kissed as I congratulated him on doing so well. "We should go for food to celebrate" I suggested. And off we went.

We arrived at a little diner and sat down near the corner. "I see you like the necklace" He smirked "it looks outstanding on you".
He sent my heart skipping as I thanked him.
We talked the night away eating and laughing.

As we were walking home he stopped in front of one of the posters 'killer clown on the loose' I saw Arthur mimick the clown on the poster when I walked up behind him.

"You believe that shit?" I asked "Fuck em. I say the guy who did that is a hero. Three less pricks in Gotham City only a million more to go" I started walking away. I heard him laughing to himself as he hurried to catch up with me.

He invited me to stay the night so we walked back to his apartment, our hands locked together.

As we got in Penny had fallen asleep on her chair with live with Murray Franklin playing on the TV. Arthur picked her up and tried taking her to bed.
She kept saying something about having to send a letter to Thomas Wayne.

Arthur started swaying to the music with Penny in his arms, I giggled at how sweet and caring he was especially towards his mother.
After helping her to her bedroom he came back into the living room and grabbed my hands, pulling me close to him.

The music was still playing so he started twirling me around and dancing with me. All of my problems went away as I let him and the music control me.
We gazed into each other's eyes as he brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear.

I had never seen him this happy but it was so magical to see. His eyes had lit up as we danced around the room. As the music faded away he lifted me up into the air and pulled me down almost to the floor. He gave me a gentle kiss before helping me back onto my feet.

"Hey I'm going to go use the bathroom" I said before walking away.

As I was washing my hands I heard banging on a door and Arthur yelling to open up. "No you're going to kill me! You're going to give me a heart attack!"

I rushed out to see Arthur banging on Penny's bedroom door.
"I'm not talking to you until you stop being angry!" I heard Penny yell from inside. "Ok, I'm not angry mum" Arthur had toned down his voice as he walked up and down clenching his fists. He clearly hadn't seen me.

That's when I saw the letter Penny was talking about. I didn't want to read it in case it was personal but I did make out the words 'your son' . I let out a small gasp as it hit me. Arthur must not have known.
Penny started speaking through the door. "We were in love" I heard everything she said. After she had finished Arthur simply walked away without saying a word.

It's crazy, one minute he was the happiest I've ever seen him and within a matter of seconds he went from that to a mad, angry, hurt man who didn't know what to do.

As we lay in bed I told him what I saw and heard. He didn't say anything, instead he put his arm around me and kissed me on the forehead. I tried changing the topic but he wasn't listening.

"I'm going to visit Thomas Wayne tomorrow". He told me.

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