"Wh-what... What do you want, P'Dew." he ask bravely but he's heart won't stop beating so fast like it was going to explode.

The older is just looking at him intently. But before the older can utter a word, someone interrupted the moment.

"Oh wow. P'Dew is with Blue. Are you two dating?" Junior's​ question catch everyone's attention, even Champ.

"Stop teasing them. Look at Blue, he's blushing." TanThai add another tease but he just receive a big smack from Japan.

"You stop, too. Come help me with my bag at the bus, Idiot." Japan said and left.

"Wait for me, Babe." everyone just laugh at Japan and TanThai but there is someone who's not happy at all.

"So you two are dating?" Champ ask Dew and Blue. The younger just lower his head.

Champ is looking at Dew intently while waiting for his answer.

"What if we do?" Dew pull the younger and hide him in his back like there is something-- someone that will take Blue away from him.

Champ stare at his friend and his gaze shift to the innocent little ones.

"Nothing." Champ just said and left them. The two guys are just staring at Champ's back until it was out of sight.

Dew turn to face Blue wearing a not so fine look on his face.

The younger is fully aware that Dew is not happy of what he's doing. He's been avoiding him since morning and he's fully aware why.

He's still confuse and.....

Shy about last night. He can't face the older right now so he keep distance from him and ask Zol and Soda to keep him away from the older.

"A-ahh P'Dew, I'll g-get g-g-going now." he pull his arms from Dew's grip but the older take his backpack and pull him.

"Ai'Soda, I'll stay with you all tonight." Dew said.

Soda look at Dew then to Blue, back to Dew, to Blue, to Dew, to Blue. Her eyes are full of confusion.

"Why is that?" Soda finally ask

"It'll be convenience. If something bad may happen, Blue and Zon can't handle such things." he state straight forwardly.

Soda look at Blue, the younger is shaking his head in disagreement. He really don't want to be so close to Dew now.

Blue is silently praying that Soda will disagree with Dew's idea, but the last thread of his hope vanish as Zon speak.

"I'm agree with, P'Dew. We can sleep in the living room." Zon said, Soda got no more chance to refuse.

"Ok, we'll talk about where you sleep later. But for now let's go to the villa." Soda just give an apologising look to Blue, the younger smile awkwardly.

He can't do anything cause he's weak, small and he's young. What the olders said is the best, that's the type of person he is.

" Let's go." Dew pull him again following the others to villa 4.

Help me get through with this. He silently pray.


"Why r u avoiding me since morning?" h egot startle when Dew sit beside him in the sand, holding a can of beer.

The celebration continue after the ate dinner. Some are getting wasted, some are just chilling and he is just sitting away from the wasted seniors.

Why Are You The One For Me [DewBlue story continuation] Where stories live. Discover now