The Musical Killer.

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People on this earth often face depression due to either their physical appearance or just how others treat them differently than the rest. But, there are people out there who can overcome this problem easily. They are able to just forget about it by doing one simple thing. And that is, by listening to music. 

Music isn't just some random song that was composed by artists around the world. Each song that is produced has their own unique story to show and tell. There is always a deep meaning behind the lyrics if you truly understand them. 

And, that's how we end up here, in the lives of Melanie Park, a 21 year old women and her dream to become a well known artist. She often listens to music that helps calms her mind down in rough situations and pretty much soon after that, her chances of pursuing her dream job were climbing higher and higher. Her skills were just too great, she could write a song about anything in just a matter of minutes. Her choice in words were outstanding and it helped her to produce songs that were worthy enough to make it to the top charts. 

She wasn't able to sing, but she could play the flute. The sweet and touching melody from her flute helped her to pass through the obstacles that she had to face on her own.

However, she was often ignored due to her physical appearance of resembling an elf. Her ears were exactly the same shape as an elf. Since small, poor Melanie had been teased by her classmates, relatives, including her own family. Melanie had been requesting for surgery, but her parents refused due to financial problems. So, she left everyone behind.

And soon enough, The Musical Killer was born.


On May 21st 2020, in the busy streets of London and on a cold rainy day, Melanie was just sipping her tea in her hotel room.  And it wasn't just any normal brewed tea. It was a special one to her. As she was enjoying sipping down her nice warm tea, she started humming a melody that she had sung to her first ex-boss, Andrew Clark. 

Melanie tried to keep her cool when she started working for Andrew. She had noticed how Andrew treated his other employees, male or female, with pure bliss and joy. The only thing that was different about Melanie compared to the rest was, as usual, her appearance. 

Andrew treated her the same way he treated his other employees. But, the employees disliked Melanies presence nearing Andrew. Especially the ladies. There was Elizabeth, Racheal and Morris. Of course, Melanie knew, but she never cared. So, she just continued working and earning money to live and to hopefully get enough money in order for her to get her ears fixed.

At work, Melanie lets her long straight hair down to cover her ears, nor Andrew or the rest of the employees working there were aware of her mysterious ears at the time. And to sum it all up, Melanie was an introverted person. Or if she did decide to tie her hair up, she would wear a hoodie over her head. 

But after a few months of working and dealing with the loneliness alongside rude coworkers, she soon started to fall for Andrew. There was something in her that triggered her feelings towards him. But, she had no clue of the reasons behind it. So, she kept her feelings a secret.

Whenever Melanie was standing besides Andrew or even just being in the same room as him, she would start to feel her heart beat faster and faster. 

As for Andrew, he started to grow suspicions towards Melanie. As the CEO, he heard multiple conspiracies coming from his workers. Some said that Melanie seduces hot and wealthy men to fill her desires in fame and fortune. Or, that Melanie was hiding something from . So, he took action. 

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