Train (1)

261 11 2

(I know it's been almost a year, I'm SORRY. Also the perspective in the story changed by the way)

You and Guy screamed in fear and held onto eachother tightly. "This is it!" You thought. Small tears escaped the corners of your eyes as you held onto your father for dear life. You closed your eyes, not wanting to see the rest of what would happen to you and Guy. Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt a hard pull. You squeaked and heard a loud splash below you. You slowly opened your eyes to see Guy holding your hand as he held onto... a clothesline of red hats? Guy noticed the tears on your face and his fear was immediately replaced with concern. "Y/n!! Are you alright?" He asked frantically. You shook your head and more tears streamed down. "Aloha, amigos!" A cheerful voice called down. You looked up to see a smiling Sam I Am. Guy groaned clearly pissed off as Sam began to pull the two of you up. "What just hap-" Guy was cut off by the Chickeraffe licking him happily. He grimaced as he did so. "No need to thank me" Sam said. You raised an eyebrow "W-what?" You asked with a hint of fear still in your voice. "I did just save you from a car about to plunge in the la-" Sam cut himself off after he got a good look at you. Your expression said all the things he needed to hear. You WERE almost killed. Who wouldn't be shaken up by that? "Oh my... y/n, are you alright?" You avoided eye contact before glaring at the shorter male, eventually snapping. "No! Does it look like I'm alright!?" Both Sam and Guy seemed taken back by your sudden outburst. Guy put a hand on your shoulder, to which you immediately swatted away. Even the Chickeraffe put itself away in the briefcase, not wanting to be apart of the tense atmosphere. Guy cleared his throat and spoke up to the one question you had the entire time. "Why did you drive your car into a lake?" Sam shrugged and chuckled lightly "Oh... it wasn't my car. It belonged to the BADGUYS. They would've tracked it, so I had to lake it. But what's important is nobody got hurt. Everybody's safe" Guy looked over to the lake showing a bit of grief in his eyes. "What's wrong, Papa?" You asked. He sighed " My briefcase was in the car" Sam speed walked over and sounded a little disappointed "Oh, no! It had your cool invention thingy in it. What is that gizmo? It looked genius" Guy wiped away his previous emotion and quickly replaced it with a more defensive one "It's a useless contraption and I'm glad it's gone. In fact, I never want to see it again" you looked to the side with a saddened expression. Just when you thought he would change his mind about paint watching. "There it is right now!" Sam excitedly stated as he pointed to the floating briefcase. "We should take it with us!" Guy groaned "Just leave it" however, Sam refused. "I'm gonna go get it, if we keep arguing, we're gonna miss the train!" Sam plugged his nose and jumped into the water to retrieve the self flyer. "Wait... what train?" You asked yourself.


The three of you arrived at the train station. You were still pretty salty with Sam. Every time he tried to start a conversation, you would either scoff and roll your eyes or just full on ignore him. "Alright, Sam, it's time we went our separate ways" Guy went to face Sam, but was nowhere to be seen. "Relax, best friend! I'm right here!" He called out to you, waving. You grabbed one of the briefcases and dragged it behind you as you followed Guy over to Sam. He jumped up and placed the tickets under Guy's hat and giggled "Here's your ticket, and here's your change" he said as he casually pulled Guy's wallet out of his pocket (?). "That's my wallet" Sam simply shrugged "I figured I deserved a ticket for saving your life. Good news! We have 77 bruckles left" Guy snatched his wallet out of Sam's hands "We? There's no we!" He stated as he grabbed your hand and began to storm off  "As soon as this train ride is over, we are going our separate ways forever!" "We better not be sitting next to eachother!" you added. Sam giggled and rolled his eyes playfully "I wouldn't dream of it"

*After boarding the train*

Sam, being the smartass he was, decided to sit ACROSS from you two. You crossed your legs and arms and avoided any eye contact from him. "Across is much better. This way we get to look right at eachother when we chat" the room fell silent for a second, of course right after Sam spoke again. "They say the eyes are the windows to the soul" You looked back at him for a second raising an eyebrow. "And... there. I just saw your soul, y/n" he said, whispering towards the end. Guy groaned and rubbed his temples.

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