Shaking my head, I just wanted to hold him. Time had made me forget what he had done. I didn't feel impacted by it anymore.

"It's not real Harry" I say and I hesitate to say the next thing.
"I wish I was there with you to comfort you" I say as I lay back onto the bed.

"But I'm in California right now" I continue on and I could hear shuffling and a weird noise in the phone.

"Wait. You are? So am I" he says and I could feel my heart plummet to the ground. He's here, only twenty or so minutes away from me.

What are the fucking odds.

"Can I come to you?" he asks and I sit back up. My nerves starting to kick in high gear. And I could feel the tingles dancing already.

My body itching to have his touch. His large hands, touching my skin.

"Okay" I say before I could even think. What is wrong with me?

"Send me your address. I'll be over" he says quickly as he hangs up.

Texting him my address, I nearly fall out of my bed as I turn on the side lamp. My eyes scanning my messy room. My clothes sprawled on the sofa bench at the foot of my bed.

Quickly, I throw all my clothes into the closet and I shut the door. Going to the mirror, I look at the silly heart pajamas I am wearing and nearly gag at myself.


Shuffling through my drawers, I put on some silk pajama shorts and I leave the tank top I have on. Fixing my hair into a messy bun, I quietly make my way downstairs.

Slipping out, I find my way onto the porch, I sit and wait for him.

My knee shakes vigorously up and down. This is Harry we are talking about. I need to just calm myself down.

But it is Harry. Harry who is a basket case. Harry who followed me and stalked me. And watched me sleep. Harry who I can't stop thinking about. I could never stay away.

I have it bad for a psychopath. But maybe it's not that bad?

And frankly, I don't even care anymore. I'm tired of this. Go ahead and call me one as well. Because not a day goes by that I don't think about him. Him and his green eyes and that beautiful smile.

My anxiety raises as I see a newer grey pick up truck slow down and park at the curb.

I stand as I see him come out of the truck. He is dressed in some gym shorts and a t-shirt. I watch as he climbs the stairs to my porch and stops in front of me. His hair was a bit longer from the last time I had seen him.

We stare at each other and I could see the corners of his lips turn up.

I couldn't help but smile back.

The fireworks going off in my stomach. It was the Forth of July in there. I look down to the ground, being shy.

Why the fuck am I like this?

"I've missed you" he mumbles and I lift my head up, seeing the bright smile on his face. He holds out his hand, his eyes glancing down to my own.

I take it, his hand is warm and inviting. Quickly, I am being pulled into his arms. My face buried into his chest. I felt safe. I had felt the weight of everything drifting away and the tension had been lifted off of my shoulders.

I could hear his heart rapidly beating but I knew mine met the pace of his own.

It felt like a lifetime since I was in his arms and I felt so peaceful. I didn't want it to end.

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