Prime Ben x Female!Reader

786 15 6

Pairing - Ben Tennyson x Female!Reader
Prompt: List 5 #1 and 2
Warning(s): None
Word Count - 1086

You've never really liked smoothies. It wasn't anything personal, they're just not Earth shattering like Ben makes them out to be. So, as you sit in the cheap, brightly colored, plastic chairs at the nearest Mr. Smoothie's with Ben and Rook, you try to act as if you like the Paradise Blast smoothie he begged you to try.

As the two talk about today's mission from earlier, you twirl the straw around in the fruity concoction until it makes that semi-unpleasant squeaking sound against the lid. You're not a Plumber and you don't have any superpowers like Ben, so hearing these conversations always make you feel left out. Ben had invited you here to talk about something, but so far he seems a little too wrapped up in his partner to even notice you.

"Hey, Y/N?" Your head snaps to attention at the sound of your name. Ben's brilliant green eyes stare at you in concern.


"I asked if you wanted Rook to drop you off at my place? Your house isn't that far off from mine," Ben says, his eyes never leaving your's.

You practically deflate at this, he's already trying to end the night and you haven't even talked yet. Suddenly aware that Rook is also watching, you straighten up and smile as politely as you can. "Yeah, sure," you say, forcefully injecting life into your tone.

Rook smiles brightly in return, but Ben doesn't seem convinced. Or, at least you think he isn't. If he's still suspicious of your activity, he doesn't say anything as all three of you get up and head to Rook's truck. You sit in between them on the way back to Ben's house, the whole way feeling dejected as Ben still doesn't talk to you. This was a waste of a school night, you bitterly think to yourself.

Once you arrive, Ben gets out and waits for you before closing the door for you. You both say your good-byes to the Revannahgander and watch him pull away from the curb and drive up the street. Despite summer being just around the corner, the night feels cold somehow like it's still freshly spring. It's uncomfortable and all you want is to go home and sit in your warm bed and pretend like none of this horrible night ever happened.

As you turn to walk back up the street, Ben grabs your hand and pulls you back towards him. "Sorry!" He hurriedly exclaims upon seeing your shocked expression. "I just want to talk to you in private."

Oh, so that's what he's been waiting for? The least you can do is hear him out, he looks a little desperate. You nod, allowing him to lead you to the front step. You both sit down, your bodies angled towards each other. Ben has been your best friend since middle school, you've been through almost everything normal kids can go through together. You've never kept secrets, you were the first normal person he told about the Omnitrix when he was ten years-old. It's hard to imagine what could be going through his head right now that he can't seem to tell you.

"Ben?" You prompt, getting his attention.

He looks at you, blinking a few times. Then, his cheeks color strangely and he looks down at his lap. "Um, uh- sorry about tonight. I wasn't ignoring you on purpose," he starts off, "I'm just not good under pressure."

You snort, "Seriously? The Great Ben 10 and you don't do well under preasure?"

Ben rolls his eyes and smiles. "You know what I mean!" He chuckles. For a moment, everything seems right. The air even feels warmer with every passing second. "I, um, was trying to build up the courage to tell you something. I thought Rook would be a better wing-man, but he just doesn't seem to understand the concept just yet," Ben admits.

You nod in understanding. "Rook isn't the best at Earth customs."

"Yeah," Ben laughs, nervously. Then, the smile drops and he looks down at his lap again. "Um, Y/N?"


"I was thinking… do you wanna go out sometime?"

To say you were stunned by this is an understatement. Out of all the things you were preparing yourself for him to say, that was not one of them. To be honest, you were thinking he was going to let you down easy and say you shouldn't be friends anymore because you live in such different worlds now. Or, better yet, that you should get lost because it's obvious that you have a crush on him and have for the last three years! But this?! You just might faint! Or is it wake up since this feels like dreaming?

"I'm sorry, w-what?" You ask, dumbfounded.

Somehow, his already bright red cheeks get even redder as it spreads across his whole face. "N-nevermind! That was so stupid, I-I shouldn't have said anything!" He stammers, getting up from the step and walking a few paces up the yard.

You get up and go after him, hoping to reach him before he can finish dialing his Omnitrix. "Ben, wait!" You grab his wrist, pulling it away so he can't transform and fly or run away from here.

"Let me go, Y/N," Ben says in warning.

Slowly, you do let him go. "You need to let me answer before you go running off, hero boy."

He looks like he's still contemplating running, but then his guard drops and all the tension in his shoulders deflates. For the first time in your friendship with him, Ben actually looks scared of you. What? Does he think you're gonna turn him down? Fat chance!

"I would like to go out with you," you say, breaking the long and tense silence.

Ben looks practically ecstatic at your words, his eyes lighting up the way you love. He moves forward in your space and wraps his arms around your waist, lifting you up and spinning you around before putting you back on solid ground. "Have you ever kissed anyone before?!" He asks, almost yelling with how happy he is.

You chuckle at how endearing he looks right now. "No," you gasp, still not able to catch your breath through all of this.

"Can I kiss you?!"


With all the contagious boldness and the excitment that comes with Ben Tennyson, you can't help but share the feelings. Even as he kisses you, you feel like you're walking on air. Maybe this night wasn't so horrible after all?

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