Party Gone Wrong

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-Your POV-

    "We have arrived," the driver announced as he entered the roundabout. I stared out the door and gasped. This is where Khun lives?! There's even a fancy water fountain! What kind of luxurious party am I going to be attending? I mean, I didn't wear anything formal.. and the boys haven't, either, so this could just be a normal high-school party for 15 and 16 year olds. Whatever those are like.

    "Stop staring like that," Khun said sternly.

    "Sorry!" I said and looked away. I could feel his glare rooted into me.

    "L- let's go!" Bam quickly enthused as Khun's door was opened by the driver, who got out without me noticing. Khun made his way out while I scuffed behind him. Bam scooted down behind me. As soon as I got out, I gaped at the huge building that stood in front of me. I then began to feel a little nervous. I started to fiddle with rem of my dress.

    I guess it was pretty noticeable, because Bam grabbed my hands reassuringly. I worriedly looked up at him but when I saw his smile, a wave of relief washed over me. I returned the smile and even chuckled a little.

    "Thank you, Bam," I thanked. He slightly tilted his head, seeming a bit confused as to why I thanked him. Maybe he didn't realize it, but I was really comfortable around him. I shook my head, telling him to just let it slide and turned to an irritated blue penguin.

    "Are you oka-?" Before I could finish my sentence, Khun swiftly grabbed my hand and pulled me with him as he dragged me towards the enormous double doors of his home. Even though I was confused, I followed him nevertheless. I mentally shrugged at the many questions appearing in my head. I didn't look behind me, but I knew Bam followed us cautiously.

    Khun let out a soft sigh as a butler of some sort opened one of the two doors for us.

    "Welcome.. to my humble abyss of money I call my home," he nonchalantly said as he casually laid down on a very comfy looking couch.

    "Wow.." I whispered under my breath as I looked around. It was very open and organized. It was also decorated with ribbons, balloons, frills and beautiful garlands. The delicious scent of scallions and shrimps hit my nose.

    There was a long table full of tasty, juicy appetizers to the left. To the right was a huge living room with a giant TV that stared back at the rest of the room. In the middle were the stairs that circled going upwards. It was blocked off, though, by caution tape. I guess no one's allowed up there. Speaking of people..

    "Khun, where is everyone?" I asked.

    "I picked you guys up pretty early. Usually, people are late," he replied. Just then, we heard a voice outside.

    "What do you mean, 'where's your invitation?' Where's your invitation, huh, punk?" It was a voice I recognized.

    "Endorsi, calm down. I'm sure Earrings just forgot to give us our invitations like the immature child he is." And to that, Khun's angry head flew up from the couch he was resting on. He stood up and marched to the door as Bam and I nervously exchanged glances.

    The blue haired man opened the door and glared at the four standing in front of him. Endorsi, Hatz, Anaak and Shibisu.

    "Come in," he grunted. He scolded his butler a little, saying his close friends were allowed to come in anytime. Although, I'm surprised Hatz was considered his friend. We all greeted each other.

    I turned to look at the delicious delicacies on the table, but someone was chowing down on them all.

    "R- Rak?" I exclaimed. "H-how? Wh- when?"

    "QUIET, SMALL TURTLE," he commanded. Khun noticed the chitter chatter and sighed when he saw Rak.

    "How many times have I said to use the front door, Croc?" He inquired.


    "Stop yelling-"

    "AND I AM NOT A CROCODILE," he cried. Everyone around was either giving the little Dino glares or covered their ears. Or both.

    "Why don't we all just settle down and relax? Come on, Mr. Rak, let's sit down," Bam calmly soothed. Rak hesitantly looked at the food and back at Bam.

    He growled as he stomped towards Bam. "Fine, Black Turtle!" He jumped onto a couch as he slowly sunk in. I giggled at his antics.

    After a few more minutes, more people began to fill up the room- some I knew, most I didn't. And after an hour or two, it was absolutely crowded. I was sitting in the kitchen at the island table in the middle. There were five round, red chairs that could turn. Right across, you could see the purple lit living room.

    There was loud music booming through everyone's ears. Everywhere you look, you see 14 and 15 year olds eating, talking, dancing and.... kissing?

    I spot a couple- a guy and a girl- in the corner having a make out session. I cringed and turned away. Now that I think about it, the guy seemed like he was older than 15. 16 or 17 maybe? But why was he here, at a party for freshman?

    "What're you thinking about?" A soft voice called out from next to me. Khun was seated next to me, two glasses of fruit punch in his hands. He handed one to me. I thanked him and said,

    "This party is just for freshman, right?" He simply nodded his head. I turned my head back to the corner of the couple. It was the same guy, but this time with another girl. Gross. I glanced at Khun.

    "Oh. Him. You see- he's 17 and has a brother that's 14. His brother usually can't go anywhere without him; his parents won't allow it otherwise. The guy's name is Ethan, I think. Or Edward," he explained.

    "I see," I replied. Khun chuckled.

    "Don't mind him- he's just after the girls around here, not you," he smirked. I whipped my head around to glare at him.

    "What are you implying? That I'm not a girl?"

    "Mmm.. maybe," he snickered.

    "Ha ha," I sarcastically said and rolled my eyes. I looked back out to all the kids. Most of them were smiling or laughing. They were all having a good time. "So this is a party, huh?" I sighed.

    "What, you don't like it? Not what you expected it to be?" He dramatically exclaimed, "I'm hurt." He grabbed the part of his shirt where his heart's supposed to be. I smiled.

    "It's not that I don't like it, and honestly, I didn't know what to expect. It's a nice experience, though." This time it was Khun's turn to give a genuine smile.

    "You're pretty cool, (Y/N)," he said.

    "Haha, of course I am!" I scoffed. I may have said that and all, but on the inside, I felt relieved. I was so glad he didn't dislike me, or thought I was weird.

    "I initially came here to tease and make fun of you, but here we are," he stated. I shook my head.

    "Of course.."

    "Let's be friends," he said, reaching out his hand. My eyes widened before smiling. I shook his hand.


How Khun You Do This To Me? (Khun x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now