Chapter 17- Another Surprise

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The Shadows have finally caught up when everyone found something that changes everything for them. "At least the readers must've enjoyed this" B. Amy said. "Stop there's to much fourth wall breaks please" B. Tails said. "Okay" everyone else said.

~1 hour later~

Game Sonics POV:
"Tails? You close to done" I asked. "Almost. Can you bring everyone in?" Tails asks. "Okay" I responded then run to get everyone. First, Amy's since this seems to involve them the most.

"Hey girls" I greeted. "Hi Sonic!" G. Amy said. "What's up?" B. Amy asks. "Tails is almost done and wants everyone to meet" I said. "Okay we'll be there" the girls said in unison and giggles.

Boom Tails POV:
"What do you think this will reveal?" I asked. "I don't know but honestly I can't wait! Wrench?" Tails answers. "We found a hall of ourselves and a diary. Wonder what this shows us" I said excited. "Well I need to make the final adjustment and.. Boom!" Tails said.

A screen shows up and lights automatically turned off. Everyone gathered in front of the screen and we saw this [movie] :

Zonic in front of some city in the background. "Is the camera rolling?" Zonic asked. A thumbs up shows. "Great. Ahem, as most watching this should know that I'm Zonic. If not then I'll quickly introduce myself, I'm Zonic the hedgehog, the leader of the Zone Cops where we make sure all the zones are in order. Now that you know who I am, it's time to tell you something important. A mysterious incident happened in one of the zones and we were unable to stop it. Causing some problems, now what we are asking of you is to keep a lookout for a gas. If you see it then try to contact us so we can make sure you all stay safe until Zally finishes her research. Me and the other Zone Cops will evacuate as much citizens as we can at each zone starting with the closest. Sonics? Have your teams lead everyone to the end of the Zone that's away from the problem at hand. I believe you'll do your parts and good luck" Zonic said before the tape moved onto something else.

The gas was spreading and the Sonic team of that reality were engulfed. Only the Sonic of what seemed like a superhero team of sorts made it with Zonic and some survivors. "Come on everyone. Get to the edge and wait for Zonic! Come on" The Sonic said. "Good-bye team" he whispered holding back his tears. "Is that everyone?" Zonic asked. "All that isn't in the smoke yes" The Sonic said. "I'm sure your team would've been proud of you Sonark" Zonic said putting his hand on Sonarks shoulder. Sonark nods and it moves on to another scene.

This time it's a Castle, Zonic and a older me were helping citizens to a pod. "We to hurry your majesty!" Zonic shouts. "Alright, I just need to check my family" King Sonic said. Zonic hesitates then a second later he nods and tries to finish the last remaining citizens. Zonic was on the roof and just finished the last of the citizens as four kids ran out the door with an echidna and a female fox. "Where's-?" Zonic asked then sees their frowns. "Oh. Well let's hurry and get you somewhere temperarilly safe" Zonic continues as he opens the door for their vehicle.

The movie cuts back to Zonic. "This is only place safe as far as I know and I know other universes need my help but I can't reach them. Not without" Zonic pauses for a moment. "Not without my team, if anyone sees this be on the lookout for the gas stay away from it no matter how much there are. Stay away and stay aware" Zonic finishes and the video ended.

G. Sonics POV:
What was that? I questioned myself. First we were learning about Rosethorn then this video showed us some type of "situation".

I honestly think everyone is innocent and there's no big bad guy behind this. Well, except who caused all of this to start anyway. Must be why Silver's here and how Rosethorn and Dark Sonic got their new/stronger powers.

I looked at everyone else as they pointed behind me. Everything turned black in no time.

Rosethorn POV:
I knock out the 'Triple S' and the boom male hedgehogs. Everyone was pretty much ready to battle and I snapped my fingers, we arrive at my Arena. "Listen up guys?" I called from my stand. "You'll be competing in my nice like tournament. It'll be a death match after death match, winner will get these 'Chaos Emeralds'" I said.

Half of them lowers their gaurd while the rest I have problems with. "If you don't then I think I'll do some fun things to your friends" I said. The other half lowered their gaurd. "Welcome contestants. To the tournament that can contain actual death!" I announced. Funny that their scared from the looks of things.

Game Shadow POV:
I woke up in a type of room surrounded by water. I look around and find out that I'm on a bed. I also saw, faker, Sonic, Shadow, and Silver. I get up and start to look for clues on how to get out. Came with nothing.

The door can drain my 'Chaos Energy'. Definitely something to keep note of. We'll need someone from the outside to open this. Except from what I can tell there's nothing around us. That's going to be a problem.

Game Sonics POV:
*In dream* I was back in 'Green Hills'. Nothing seemed to have changed but I knew something was going on. That's when I heard a voice, my voice to be exact.

I run to where it came from, that's where I found a hall. Where it showed some of my past. When Egghead was simple by capturing baby animals, the time me and Shadow saved the planet from Gerald's plan, and much more happy memories.

It even have moments between adventures. Cruising on Tails' plane, visiting friends once in a while, even just simple snack breaks. Good times. When I reached the end a purple smoke sisses around the ground. When it starts rising I knew it wasn't good.

I tried to run but I was stuck, stuck on the ground with no way out. Each time I tried to roll something stops me from curling. The smoke was getting higher as I panicked, there's no way I can lean my head somewhere since it started getting faster. I started trying to jump more rapidly, pick up my feet more forcing them, even asking.

Nothing worked! The smoke was getting to the tip of my nose and out of panic I kept forcing my body to move. Harsher and harsher, the smoke surrounds me completely aaaannnd-

Authors note: What happened to the Sonics and Shadows? Well better find out.

The Day Amy Switched✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें