Addy's mom was the one dropping us off to the airport so once we were done saying our goodbyes, we got into the SUV and headed there. The ride was short and mostly quiet beside the mentions of how the game was.

Once we made it and got our bags from the trunk, I thought we were going to part from her but no, she made sure we got threw security safe, got our tickets and that we were at our gate on time. I appreciated because knowing us, something probably would have went wrong if we were alone.

We wait in the little lobby thing and all I could notice was Noen face stuck in his phone. He has looked up since we got out the car. I can think about was: who was he texting so much.

I looked over my ticket and noticed we had first class tickets, holy shit. I look over and see Addy setting next to me.

"Yo me and Noen have first class tickets." I say still not believing it.

"Yea I know, he told me last night so I upgraded the rest of ours, even Bryce's. She said like it was just a simple task. Addy is the most kind human, like her family has money but she's not a douche about it. She help her friends in need without thinking twice about it.

I give her a simple smile before I hear our flight  and class being called over the PA. We run to gate in excitement, getting weird looks from 4 businessmen that are in front of us.

"You guys in first class?" The clerk ask giving us an incredulous look. 

We all look at each other offended and hand him our tickets at the same time.

"Ok, sorry. Go on ahead." He says and Addy shouts him a dirty glare.

We find our seats, of course me and Noen or right on side of each other but the rest of the guys are scattered about. (i referred to Addy as one of the guys cause she's a homie,get over it.)
I take off my backpack, putting it on the floor of my little cabin.

I looks around at my friends and the are all happy as can be, especially Bryce, he's like a kid in a candy store. Anthony hasn't said a word but I can tell by the smile he's fine, he's normally quiet anyway. Noen, still has his head in his phone but the tapping of his feet lets me know he's excited and Addy is just taking pictures of Anthony probably worrying the hell out of him.

30 mins past and the flight attendant tells us to take a seat, buckle up and turn our  electronics off. I switch my air plane mode on as Addy walks to her seat. 

I stay in my seat while even after told it's safe to move around. Then, I get bored so I decided to go talk to Noen. "Hi." I say walking up to him.

He looks up from the phone and gives me a soft smile. "Hi, wanna sit?" He asked. The cabin seat was big enough to fit us both on so, I take him up on the offer and sit next to him.

"What's so intriguing about that phone, you haven't looked up from it since the game."

"Shit, sorry. Iv just been handling some last minute things with Jordan." He replies, the way he won't look me in the eyes tells he's not telling the truth but I push.

"Oh, is that why you were three hours late to school?"

"No, I was doing some shopping with my mom." He tells the truth this time.

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